Deposition of John Hopkins
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 04:55 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 219r
Aprill the 12th 1642
John Hopkins off Mount Rath in the Queens Coumptie Tanner beinge dulie Examined <November the 24 or therabout> before us afirmeth that hee was Robbed & dispoyled of his goods for losse off Leather twentie powndes st for losse of barque tenn powndes for this deponents buildinge his howsse & tann yard & a tann housse with vessells thervnto belonging twentie powndes howshould goods three pownd, debts due to this deponent Lost by meanes off this Rebellion fiue pownd, & this deponnent hard that his Leather was caryed part to Castle town by Teig O Horahane one of ffloranc fitzpatrick His rebells another part was caryed into the town of Mount Rath by <A> Loghlin O Renan a Rebell Captine as I was this deponent was informed ffurther this deponent with divers others goinge amongst the Rebells for pillage being sent by their Capteen att ther returne cominge neare t h e Castle of Clen Reagh Castle wher <B> Captaine Crozbie liued one off his men cam from the sayd Castle & sayd [ ] to Thomas Anderson one off our Company that hee would killed kill him & to that End ran att him with his pick & took away the pillage from the sayd Anderson two horsses be nge beinge the sayd pillage
John Hopkins
jurat 12 April 1642
Roger Puttocke
John Sterne
fol. 219v
46054 Q 66 o
John Hopkins
12o Apr 1642
24 no