Examination of James Bolger
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fol. 171v
James Bolger of Killeloge aged forty yeares or thereabout Deposeth Concerning the within said Patricke Masterson that he knew and frequently did see the said Patricke in the Irish quarters in the County of Wexford for seaverall yeares of the said Rebellyon And further saith that the Deponent heard by the relacion of the Countrey that the said Patricke did rayse & had the Comand of a troope of horse partely in the barrony of Ballaghkeen & other <t> places of the said County of wexford, what Number his troope Consisted of or in what yeare they were raysed or vpon what seruice they were Imployed the examinant cannot depose & further saith not &c
James Bolger
Sworne before vs the
7th of March 1653
John Walker
Richard Neale