Deposition of Thomas Wilson

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 04:14 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-07-16
Identifier: 815221r296


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Queen's Co
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Arson, Desecration, Killing, Robbery
Commissioners: Henry Brereton, John Sterne, John Watson, William Aldrich, William Hitchcock
Deposition Transcription:

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Thomas Wilson of Mountmelicke in the Queenes Countie Esquire William Opye of Kilbeggan in the Countie of Westmeath gent William Amson of the same Samuell Dutchman of the same John McNaughten of the same ffarmer Thomas Manby of the same Edward Cullen of the same yoman John Begg of the same John Addys of Skehane in the said Countie gent and Henry Ryse of Kilbeggen aforesaid gent sworne and examined for and on the behalfe of the Right honorable Charles Lord Lambert Baron of Cavan depose and say as followeth And first the said William Opye and Thomas Wilson by themselves ioyntlye and seuerally say and depose that the said Lord Lambert since the begining of the present Rebellion hath been and is deprived or otherwys dispoyled by the Rebells within the Countie of Cavan vizt by Phillipp mcHugh mcShaen o Reylye Phillipp <A> McMullmorey o Reylye Edward: o Reylie Mullmorey alias Miles o Reyly Shaen alias John McPhillipp mcMullmorey o Reylye and divers others of theire followers and confederates whose names they knowe not of the rentes and proffitts of his Lordshipps landes and tenements within that Countie worth one thowsand nyne hundred poundes per Annum, coibus Annis, whereof they accompt one yeares proffitt to be lost alreadye And the said Mr William Opie and Thomas Wilson further say and depose That the said Lord Lambert since the beginninge of this present Rebellion hath been and is deprived or otherwise dispoyled by the Rebells of the Rentes proffitts and Tythes of the Lordshipp of Kilbeggan in the Countie of Westmeath worth eight hundred eighty fower poundes per Annum whereof they accompt one yeares proffitt to bee alreadye lost vizt by Conlye Geoghagan of Downoer gent Gerrott Geoghagan of Dunmore gent Bryan <B> and Art Geoghagan sonnes to the said Gerrott and Art Geoghagan of Ballymchugh and others theire followers and servants all within the Countie of Westmeath aforesaid

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And further the said William Opie and Thomas Wilson say and depose that the said Lord Lambert since the beginninge of this present Rebellion hath been and is deprived or otherwise dispoyled of the Rents and proffitts of his Lordshipps landes and tenements in the kinges Countie worth two hundred ffortie three pounds per Annum whereof they accompt one yeares proffitt also to bee lost alreddye by the Rebells <C> vizt by Gregorye Molloy of Clonkeene in the Kinges Countie aforesaid gent Owen Molloy of the same in the said Countie gent, Rorye oge O Molloye of the same in the said Countie gent Cosny McPhelem Molloy of Tullagh in the said Countie gent and Dominick Molloy sonne to Donnogh McShaen Molloy of Aghadonough in the said Countie gent and divers others of theire followers and confederates whose names they knowe Not And the said William Opie William Amson and Samuell Dutchman ioyntly and seuerally say and sweare that the said Lord Lambert hath been deprived robbed or otherwise dispoyled since the begininge of this present Rebellion And about the begininge of December last past or thereabouts of theise goods and Chattells videlicet one hundred eightie ffive head of Cattle at Kilbeggan aforesaid worth ffive hundred ffiftie five poundes and of twentie other yeare old Cattle worth ten pounds 18 plough Garrans worth xxxviij li. Hackney Mares and geldinges worth Nynetie poundes, and of sixtie two swyne worth xxxij li. by the Rebells videlicet <D> Conlye Geoghagan of Downoer in the Countie of Westmeath gent Gerrott Geoghagan of Drummore in the said Countie gent Bryan and Art Geoghagan of the same sonnes to the said Gerrott Art Geoghagan of Ballymchugh in the said Countie and by Oliver Brenane the younger of Garryballywade in the said Countie gent Edmond Brenane of the same in the said Countie yoman ffrancis Geoghagan of Newtowne in the said Countie gent Connull Geoghagan of the same in the said Countie gent

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Hugh Geoghagan of the same in the said Countie gent <E> Conlye Geoghagan of Ballybreder in the said Countie gent Marcus Geoghagan of ffrebanagh in the said Countie gent Hugh Geoghagan of Pallice in the said Countie Gent and by divers others of theire confederates and followers. And by Edward Connor of Clanneirrell in the Kinges Countie gent Alexander Connor of Dounmore in the said Countie of Dounmore gent Murrough Connor in the said Countie gent John Malye of Phillipstowne in the said Countie gent and by divers others others of theire followers servants and confederates whose names they knewe not And the said William Opye and John McNaughten ioyntly and seuerally say and sweare that the said Lord Lambert since the begininge of the present Rebellion vizt about the beginninge of December last aforesaid or thereabout hath been and is deprived robbed and dispoyled of 500 of his Lordshipps sheepe worth CC li. and of ten greate English Rams worth sixteene poundes by the Rebells videlicet By Art Geoghagan of Ballymchugh in the Countie <ff> of Westmeath gent Connull Geoghagan of Newtowne in the said Countie gent Oliver Brenane the younger of Garye in the said Countie gent Edmond Brenane of the same in the said Countie yoman Conlye Geoghagan of Ballybroder in the said Countie gent, and by and through the meanes of Edward Connor of Clonneirrell in the Kinges Countie gent Alexander Connor of Donnmore in the said Countie gent Murrough Connor and Callough Connor in the said Countie gent and John Malye of Phillipstowne in the said Countie gent and by and through the meanes of divers others of theire followers servants and confederates whose names they knowe not And the said William Opye and John McNaughten ioyntlye and seuerally also say and depose that the said Lord Lambert since the begininge of this present Rebellion and by meanes thereof is and hath been also

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deprived, robbed or otherwise dispoyled of his Lordshipps Corne and hay in the haggard of Kilbeggan worth CCC li. and of 88t acres of greene Corne nowe in ground worth Cclxiiij li. And of Cartes waynes wagons Plough harnesh and wagon harnesh and other materialls for husbandry worth lx li. by Conlye Geoghagan aforesaid and by others of his servants followers and Confederates.
Alsoe the said William Opye and Thomas Wilson ioyntlye and seuerally say and depose that the said Lord Lambert since the begininge of the present Rebellion and by meanes thereof hath been and is deprived robbed or otherwise dispoyled att Clonkeene in the Kinges Countie of ffortie of his Stood mares worth C iiijxx xvj li. by and through the <G> meanes of the Rebells vizt Gregory Molloy of Clonkeene aforesaid in the kinges Countie aforesaid gent Owen Molloy of the same in the said Countie gent Rorye oge Molloy of the same in the said Countie gent Tibbott Molloy of the same in the said Countie gent Cosny McPhelom Molloy of Tullagh in the said Countie gent and Dominick Molloy sonne to Donnogh McShaen Molloy of Aghadonnough in in the said Countie gent and by divers others of theire followers and confederates whose names they knowe not And the said Ed war d. C Cullen <hand> further saith that the said Lord Lambert was also since this Rebellion began Robbed or otherwise dispoyled in the Countie of Cavan of horses Mares Coltes and other Cattle worth CCxl li. by the Rebells videlicet by those of the name and sept of the O Relyes and by theire followers and confederates.
And the said William Oppey John Begge & Thomas

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Manby ioyntlie and seuerally say and depose further that since the begininge of the present Rebellion the said Lord Lambert hath been robbed and dispoyled of his howsehold goods as hanginges lynnen pewter Brasse and other furniture worth one thousand ffive hundred poundes by and through the meanes of Conly Geoghagan of Downoer in the Countie <H> of Westmeath gent Gerrott Geoghagan of Dromore in the said Countie gent Bryan and Art Geoghagan sonnes to the said Garrott in the said Countie gent and by divers others of theire servantes and followers whose names they knowe not And the said William Opie and John Begge also ioyntlie and severallye further say & depose that since the begininge of this present Rebellion and by meanes thereof the said Lord Lambert hath been and is also robbed and dispoyled of his owne and ladies apparrell worth CCC li. by and through the meanes of the said Conly Geoghagan <I> Gerrott Brian and Art Geoghagan and others of theire servantes and followers And by and through the meanes of henry Dempsie brother to the Viscount of Clanmaleary and by divers others of the name and sept of the dempsies theire followers and confederates whose names they knowe not.And the said William Opye Thomas Wilson John Addys John McNaughten and henry e Rose ioyntlie and seuerally further say and depose that the Rebells haue also burned and quite spoyled and defaced the Lord Lamberts dwelling howse at Kilbeggan and the Barnes stables howses of Office & Pigeon howses therevnto belonginge to his Lordshipps damage of ffive thousand pounds and haue also burned the Church of Kilbeggan, which

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Cost his Lordshipp and his mother in Charge of buildinge thereof CC li. And also burned the Mills and towne of Kilbeggan to his Lordshipps further losse of one thousand two hundred poundes. (The tenantes haveinge termes & leases of the howses there but only from yeare to yeare.
Which said dwellinge howse Stables barnes pigeon howse Church Milnes and towne aboue mencioned were so burned consumed and defaced by & through <K> the meanes of Hugh Hubert ffoxe of Kilcoursie in the Kinges Countie Esquire Carberie ffoxe and Art ffoxe of Tullaghanabrien in the said Countie gent Tibbott ffoxe of Garrydufffe Brasell ffoxe of Killmaleady Art Kinge and Gregory Owghie al ia s Anthony Geoghagan of the same, Marcus Higgen and Dominicke Higgin of Belanamentane and John Higgin of Kilfielane All of the Baronye of Kilcoursie and in the Kings Countie aforesaid gent And the said John McNaughten further sayth That the said Marcus Higgin Dominick Higgin Connor Higgin John Higgin of Kilfealan and John <L> Doole of Clorhy Art ffox of Tullaghanabrenn about Saturday before Palm Sunday last came to the howse of Jane the wife of Henry Addis & her the said Jane then and there most cruelly murthered by stabbing her throughe her brest and bodie with a skeine & woundeing her alsoe in seuerall places with darts.
<9763 li. present losses 3207 li. per annum>
Tho: Wilson
William Opie
John Begge
Signum [mark] Johannis Adis
Signum Johannis [mark] McNaughten
Signum Samuelis [mark] Dutchman
Signum Willelmi [mark] Ampson
Signum dicti Edwardi [mark] Cullen
Tho: Manby
Jur fuerunt omnes testes predicti preter
Tho: Manby xvjo July 1642
John Sterne
Will: Hitchcocke

Deposed by the sayd Tho: Manby febr: 16o 1642 before vs
Hen: Brereton
Joh Watson
Will: Aldrich

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Q Q Cavan et al Com
Tho. Wilson et al ex parte domini Lambert Jur
16o July 1642
Cert fact

Com Cavan regis et al Com Charles Lord Lambert
Jurat 16to Julij 1642

Deponent Fullname: Lord Lambert
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Baron
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Thomas Wilson, William Opye, William Amson, Samuell Dutchman, John McNaughten, Thomas Manby, Edward Cullen, John Begg, John Addys, Jane Addis, Phillip McHugh McShane o Reylye, Phillipp McMulmorey o Reylye, Edward o Reylie, Mullmore o Reyly, Shane McPhillipp mcMullmore o Reylye, Conlye Geoghagan, Gerrott Geoghagan, Bryan Geoghagan, Art Geoghagan, Gregorye Molloy, Owen Molloy, Rorye oge O Molloye, Cosny McPhelem Molloy, Dominick Molloy, Oliver Brenane, Edmond Brenane, ffrancis Geoghagan, Connull Geoghagan, Hugh Geoghagan, Marcus Geoghagan, Edward Connor, Alexander Connor, Murrough Connor, John Malye, Cosny McPhelom Molloy, Donnogh McShane Molloy, Hubert ffoxe, Carberie ffoxe, Art ffoxe, Tibbott ffoxe, Brassell ffoxe, Art Kinge, Owghie Geoghagan, Marcus Higgen, Dominicke Higgin, John Higgin, Connor Higgin, John Doole, Viscount of Clanmaleary, Donnogh McShane Molloy
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Proxy, Proxy, Proxy, Proxy, Proxy, Proxy, Proxy, Proxy, Proxy, Victim, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Mentioned, Mentioned