Deposition of Thomas Pinchon
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 05:22 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 34r
Thomas Pinchon Late of Ballyaspeckbegg of the parish of St.ffinbaries within the County of the Cittie of Cork a Brittish protestant being duely sworne & examined vpon oath before vs by vertue of his Maiesties Comission to vs & others directed (beareing date the 5th day of March in the 17th yeere of his Maiesties raigne that nowe is) touching the losses & suffrings of the protestants & Brittish nation within the province of Munster deposeth & saith. That on or aboute the 21th of March last & since the beginninge of this rebellion he hath beene robbed & forceably dispoiled of his goods & Chattles to the seuerall values following vzt worth 158 li. AndOf his cowes oxen heiffers horses & mares to the value of foure score & fifteene pounds Of his corne in ground sowed vpon the said land (which accounts to be lost) to the value of three score pounds. Of his houshould stuffe to the value of three pounds sterling. He further deposeing saith that the same day he was robbed some of my lord of Muskries men (whose names he knoweth not) aboute ten a clocke of the same day, sett fire the deponents house & burnt it to the ground & further he cannot depose The totall of his losses amounts to one hundred fiftie eight pownds sterlings
Thomas Pinchon
Jurat 2o May 1642
Phil: Bisse
Richard ffrench
fol. 34v
Thomas Pinchon his examination
[ ] [sob][
51 ]Lo: Muskerys men