Deposition of Thomas Carter

Collection: Bysse Depositions

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 09:50 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-07-05
Identifier: 824076r072


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Cork
Deposition Type: Bysse
Nature of Deposition: Arson, Assault, Multiple Killing, Robbery, Words
Commissioners: Henry Rugg, Philip Bisse
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 76r


July 5 1642
The iust remon strance of
Thomas Carter of the {Ma}collop & county of Corke gent deposeth That
who saith that vpon Monday the 27th of June last in the {} his father Thomas Carter of Macollop aforesaid gent {} of the Castle of Macollop (which which belonged vnto the right honorable Richard Earle of Corke and was committed to this relator vnto a howse of his within halfe a myle therof, taking alon{g with} him in his custody company Bartholomew Emery his son in law, Ja{mes} Lett, Thomas Hutchins, William Carter, Robert Mars{hall} Clement Keating, and John Rowse all which were wa{rders} of the said Castle appointed by the said Earle all which persons comming to the af{oresaid} howse; this relator sayth that about two howres after {his} being there, hee with the rest of the warders in the said Castle saw out of the said Castle, about two hundred Rebbells, vnder Command of the Condons setting on fire the said howse of his fathers, and such other howses and barnes, as were neer therabouts. Hee likewise informeth that as the said howse was on fire the said rebbells Robert Marshall and John Rowse two of the aforesaid parties did that day ret{orne} returne home vnto the aforesaid castle; the said Marshall having about his body twenty six mortall wounds, and his gutts hanging downe out of his belly which hee supported with {his} hands and the said Rowse havinge one of his iaw b{ones?} breaken one of his eyes pulld out and many more gapinge wounds in his body; yett both able to speake and inyoyinge good sense, and memory. By which the {said} Marshall and R owse vpon divers questions vnto vpon their deaths decl{ared} that the said Rebells when they had first sett the said h{owse} wherin they were on fire offred them quarter, if they would come out; which invited this relators father, a{nd the} rest above named to come forth, having first had assura{nce} that they should bee suffered to retourne safe home, {} vy to which (the said marshall averred) that soe soone as they {} out of the said howse; the said rebells wherof hee av{erred} that John Condon of Killbarry; Richard Condon of {} dergan, John Condon of the Bullery Donnell mc Shane of Dungillane Castle and James McMorris of Inchileny his servants were some) instantly fell vpon his relators father and the rest, cruelly stabbinge and murdering them; the said Marshall averred, and his relator vpon view of the bodies of the murthered [ ] doth { }oath iutsifie that Mr Thomas Carter had in his body

fol. 76v


<B> fower wounds wherof hee dyed in the place, that Bartholomew Emery his son in law had his left hand cutt off, and his tounge cutt out which the said rebells caryed away with them; besides which they cutt his throate to the bone cleft his shoulder downe to his middle, and gave his body many other wide gapinge wounds: the said Marshall and Rowse dyd also testifie, and this relator vpon view of the bodies likewise saw that the aforesaid James Bartlett, Thomas Hutchinges Clement Keatinge and William Carter, were most butcherly wounded, and lay sweltering in their owne blood in the high way, This relator likewise averreth that besides the losse of his father his brother in law, and the rest of the aforesaid persons, the aforesaid Rebbells did did drive away in cowes, horses and other cattle to the value of about one hundred pounds sterling <and in burning of two houses whereof one was a dwelling house the other a barne> besides the loss e of the aforesaid howse s and barne which were assaulted with fire and to his losse of about twenty pounds more which his great losses, besides six hundred and odd pounds which his aforesaid father Thomas Carter seru ants had taken away in Cattle, Corne and howshould stuffe, together with the inhumane butcheringe of his said father brother in law, and the rest, hee humbly offreth to the sad consideracion of such worthy persons, who are or may bee made capeable to administer vnto him some amends for the reliefe of his wife, children, and family, who by the most lamentable effects of his rebellion, and deprived of the comfort of a deere father and frends, and brought to great want, and misery. The totall of this deponents Losses. Amounts vnto the Summe of one hundred pownds sterling and further he Cannott depose/

Tho: Carter
Jurat Coram Nobis
5th day of July 1642
Phil: Bisse
Hen: Rugge

[This deponent [ ] Certefye of his former losses]

fol. 77r


fol. 77v


The examination of Thomas
Carter of Mocollop gentleman


Deponent Fullname: Thomas Carter
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Gentleman
Deponent County of Residence: Cork
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Thomas Carter, Bartholomew Emery, James Lett, Thomas Hutchins, William Carter, Robert Marshall, Clement Keating, John Rowse, Richard Earle of Corke, * Condons, John Condon, Richard Condon, John Condon, Donnell mc Shane, James McMorris
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Mentioned, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel