Deposition of John Walker
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 04:52 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 288v
<Com Regine Imprimis> Mr John Walker of Balligarnan in the parish of Timo g e gent deposeth losses by this present Rebellion he hath lost <& been dispoyled of thes his goods following vizt>
Six great Cowes _____________________________________________15 li.
two working bulockes ________________________________________ 4_0_0
ffowre two yeare ould heffers __________________________________ 5_0_0
ffortie English sheepe ________________________________________10_0_0
Seauen head of horses ________________________________________14_0_0
Six head of swine ____________________________________________ 2_10_0
Howshould stuffe ___________________________________________20_0_0
In all suma toto threescore pound tenn shillinges A
Besids his leasses worth an hundreth and ffiftie pounds _____________150 li. In toto xxxx li.<A> by the by the means Of Captain William Kelly of of Garrimadocke in the parish of Moyana George Hetherington of Balliroan, as this deponent hath heard & some parte by the inhabitains of the parish of Timoke
<And> This deponent sayth that ffyn o dalyn & Laghlyn o Stevin att the comminge of the English armye into Leix sent this deponent some of his goods & which they h ad of his vpon his demaund of them & the sundry others profferred the like but threatning them before s urendr ing refused hym very obstinately And saith alsoe that generally all the parish of Disert haue revolted from Church to mass: as he beleiveth he that John Walker
Jurat 12 Ap. 1642
Jo: Sterne
Randall Adams
verte fol
fol. 289r
Com Regine
John Walker
Jur 12 Apr 1642
fol. 289v