Deposition of Sammuell Blancher
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 05:40 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 80r
Samuell Blancher of Garran samor in the parish of Moyely in the barony of Insaqueen in the County of Corcke yeoman (a brittish protestant) being dewly sworne and Examined by vertue of &c. deposeth & saith that on on or About Candellmas and seuerall tymes since was Robbed and spoyled of his goods and Chattells to the seuerall vallues ffollowing vizt value of 16 17 li. sterlingOf sheepe to the vallue of sixteen pounds Of Corne in haggard and howse to the vallue of twenty one pounds also hee saith that by meanes of this rebellion hee was Expelled and driuen away from his howse and farme in the Aforesaid County worth Coibus a annis Aboue the Lords rent being well Improued twenty pounds sterling per annum hauing a Lease of seauenteen yeares to com which hee vallues to bee worth ffoure scores four on hundred & thirty pounds of debts dewe which hee Est eemed good debts before this present rebellion to the vallue of three pounds and now bee Com disparatt by reson the v vndernamed persons ar English & protestants &c. Edmon O Bagg John pounge & becom now vtterly Im Impouerished by meanes of this rebellion therfore t he deponant cannot geet satisfa ction the totall of his Losses Amounts to one hundred & three score & ten pounds sterling and f urther hee cannot depose beesids the on And the deponant saith that one Nicholas Robarts Inkeeper in the parish of Caheereultaine in the barony Imokelly who fformerly went to Church but now gotheth to m[ ] Mas with his wyfe and Cheldren and on Tayler neer ba llamartre Inkeeper in the barrony at afforesaid whom formerly went to Church but now goeth to Masse/
Samuell BlancherSamuell Blancher Jurat coam nobis
18o Junij 1642
Tho: Badnedge
Phil: Bisse
Hen: Rugge
fol. 80v
The examination of Samuell