Deposition of John Webster
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 04:52 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 291r
699A note of such goods as wer e taken ffrom John Webster of Rory Begg within the Queenes Countie Baronie of Iregan yeoman sworne and examined saith that on or about the 28th of November <A> 1641 he was robbed and dispoj led by by Donnell Doyne of Tenehinch within that said Countie gent Arte McCormock Dune of the same gentleman Mortogh Oge Dune of Dromyne gentleman Rory Dune of Capnelugg Phelim Dune of Castle Brack yeoman Donnogh McArte Dune of Gurtin gent Donnell McNeill of Clonagh gentleman Teige mcDonnell of the same gent <B> Brian McGilpatrick of Morto McShane of Melick yeoman, Shane mc mcMorto of Ballikneen yeoman with diuers other soldiers Tennants servants & Coordinators. whose names he knows not of theis goods following viztImprimis of Cattle to the value of worth ________________________________73 li._0_0Item in horses _____________________________________________________12_0_0Item in hay & Corne ________________________________________________24 li._0_0Item in houshould stuff Apparell bedding brasse pewter salt Butter & cheese ___34_0_0the some is
In all 143 li. 5 s.
This deponent further saith that all & euerie the above mencioned persons act in open & actuall rebellion carrying armes with for and amongst the Rebells against the his Maiesty & his Lojall Subiects doeing and Comitting divers outrages and Cruelties in open and hostile manner some of the Rebells publiquely saying that they were the queens souldjers & that all the Eng goods of the English were given to the queene & they were comen to take them vpp for her: & sayth that the Rebells stript this deponent, his wife and children of their Clothes: exposeing them to thextreame cold of that time of the yere & all want possible
John Webster
{ } Augustj 1642
Will: Aldrich
fol. 291v
{ }
Augusti 1642
Intw 28. no:
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