Examination of William Stafford
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fol. 248r
<17> The examnation of William Stafford Gentleman taken of the behalfe of the Commonwealth Concearninge Nickolas Rochford Gentleman late of Waxford desessed and William [ ]
<to the first interro> sath that the said Nickolas did in the yeare first yeare of the warr and since tell he was <e> kild killd in the said towne of Waxford at the storminge thereof did liue in the said towne
<to the 2: 3: 4: 5 and 6th interrogatorys> he Can not depose
<to the 7th interro> sath that the said Rochford did take th and subscribe the oath of association in the yeare 1646 the C because none the cause <f> of his knowledge is is that none Could be admit ed to his Imployment but it was generally imposed on all men
<to the 9th interro> sath that the said Rochford was in the yeare 1646 A Captain of the Towne of Waxford and soe Continued till the Lord Cromweell <g> taken of the said towne where the said [ vntill ] where hee was slayne
<to the rest of the interrogatoryes> he Can not depose
William Stafford
Sworne and examend
before vs this 28th of December 1653
Tho Hart
John Walker
Mathew Stothard
fol. 248v