Deposition of Symon Campian
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 04:51 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 307r
411 311
Symon Campion of Mountrath in the Queens County Gentan sworne & examined sayth That since the begining of the present rebellion That is to say about the xxviiijth of November 1641 he this deponent at Mountrath aforesaid was forceibly deprived robbed and dispojled of his Cowes one horses corne hay howshold goodes proffitts of a gardens & the benefite and proffits of his leases of seuerall farmes in Mountrath which he held as tennant to Sir Charles Coote Barronet deceased, & had his howses burned and spojled: Whereby hee is dampnified & hath Lost the summ or value of CClxx li. ster at the Least By the Rebells Florence Fitzpatrick of Castletowne in the Queens County Esquire & his souldjers: whoe alsoe robbed a great number of other English protestants thereabouts of thei{r} goods & hangd five of Sir William Gilberts Warders of his howse {to} death: & Committed divers other outrages & Cruelties by hanging & killing of divers other protestants (as this deponent hath credibly he{ard}
Symon Campion
Deposed Julij 28o 1643
Hen: Brereton
Edw: Pigott
Symon Campion
fol. 307v
Queens County o
Simon Campion Jur
28 Julij 1643
hand 28 no.
5 hanged by flo.