Deposition of Francis Barber
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:40 AM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 313r
Francis Barber of the Citty of Dublin gentleman sworne & examined deposeth and saith That in the begining of the present Rebellion in the Queens County vizt the xxviijth Daie of November 1641 Donnell Dun of Tenehinch gent Art McCormuck Dunn of the same gent John McMort of Balliknee gent Mortogh McShane of Mellick Mortoghe oge of Dromyne gent Donnogh McArt Dunn of Corbally <A> gent Edward Dunn of the Park gent Esquire all of the Queens County with divers others of their servants Allyes & frends Rebells at Moniquid in the Queens County rebelliously & by force and Armes depriued robbed and dispoyled him this deponent of Ready mony one geldinge apparell and other necessaries: And then and since those and other Rebells haue deprived him of due debts specialities and other his meanes goodes & chattells of the value and to his now Losse and damage three hundred twenty fowre powndes ster: Besids this deponent by meanes of the Rebellion is lyke to loose the benefite of his practise and imployment (he being when the Rebellion began an A Solicitor of cawses & agent for divers gentlemen) vntill a peace be setled, which imployment before was worth vnto him 100 li. per an{num} or thereabouts: And further saith That the abovenamed Rebells threatened to hang him this deponent, and he verely beleeveth they had don it, if they had not bin diswaded by a servant of the said Donnell Duns And at that tyme seuerall of the <A> foremencioned Rebells publiquely said, That now the daie was their owne, and that they had bin slaves to the English a long tyme but now they would be revenged to the full: And would not Leave (before Christmas day) an English protestant Rogue Liveing with other bitter vnseemely termes in disgrace of the English
ffrances Barber
Jur 5o Jan: 1643
Hen: Jones
Hen: Brereton
fol. 313v
Q C (183
ffrancis Barber Jur 5o Jan: 1643h and hand
Intw 28 no