Deposition of Henry Turner

Collection: Bysse Depositions

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 06:19 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-09-24
Identifier: 824118r104


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Cork
Deposition Type: Bysse
Nature of Deposition: Arson, Multiple Killing, Robbery, Lost By Debts
Commissioners: Philip Bisse, Thomas Graye
Deposition Transcription:

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Henry Turner of Bandonbridge within the Barony of kinalmeakey, Countie of Corke, ffree burgesse & Clothier duly sworne & examined before vs by vertue &c. deposeth & saith. That about the s{} daie of August last & divers tymes since the Rebellion in Ireland lost, was robbed & forcibly despoiled of his goods & Chattells & t{ } to the seuerall values, followinge vizt value of 774 li. 6 {s.} part consisting
Of oxen, cowes, steers, heifers, one bull, one geldinge, nags, & mares to the value of one hundred & thirtie pounds.
This deponent also saith, that he was dispossessed & driven awaie by meanes of th i s present Rebellion in Ireland & deprived of the severall Tene
{ments} & farmes followinge vizt Clancoolemore, Clancoolebeg & deras{ } wherin he hath a lease of fortie ei ght yeers yet to come, worth {aboue } the Landlords rent 15 li. per Annum. He holds himself dampnifyed, one {hundred} and fifty pounds
O f another lease of the land of Gaggan in the said Countie
{ } before this Rebellion aboue the Landlords rent, thirtie shillings { } yeere, wherin he hath a lease of twentie three yeers yet to come, { } lease he setteth for thirtie shillings per annum aboue the Landlords rent . damnify ’ d heerby ten pounds,
He saith, that he is likewise dispossessed of another lease of house s
{ } garden plotts scituate in Sugar lane n eere the North gate in Bandon {bridge} which was spoiled & pulld downe, leas t the Rebells besieginge the Towne should make them their shelter. being worth per annum thirtie foure shillings aboue the landlords rent, wherein he hath a lease of one hundred & threescore yeers yet to come. damnifyed twenty pounds. This deponent also saith, that he is dispossessed of seven houses more { } Bandonbridge, which were pluc kd downe & burnt by the Rebells { } cost at least thirtie pounds.
Of debts amounting to three hundred, twentie two pound s, one shillinge , and eleven pence. of D ebts due from John ffaggan late of Corke Merchant. And {} Skiddey neere Baaltymore gentleman. William Matthewes late of Corke gentleman. Teig daniell O Mahonn of Ballemodan gentleman. donell O Murry of the same {gentleman} donough O Murrey & daniell O Murrey of the same gentleman. Randall {} Hurley of Ballencarrige gentleman. Callahan mc daniell Charty of knock{gourney} gentleman. fflorence mc Chartie of Benduffe gentleman. Edmond Gould fitz{Thomas} late of Corke gentleman. Owen O Swillevan neere Bantry gentleman. Marke O Swllivane gentleman, daniell O Swillevan beere Esquire. daniell O Leyrey, Rowland ffield all neere & of Bantrie gentleman. Teig O driscall, Richard {} of & neere Baltimore gentleman. Auliffe O Crowley of ffanlobas gentleman, {Richard} oge Hurley of Ballemoney gentleman. dermott mc Chartie of dunbrakan gentleman {} Charte of Abystrurie gentleman, daniell mc Shane oge O healyhye of {} gentleman. knogher O hea, ffyneen mc daniell Chartie: knogher O Cont{} mc Callahan Charty knogher

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dermott Chartie, dermott Chartie, Callahan Chartie of desart gentleman ffyneen Chartie of drumlegah gentleman, dermott O Callinan of kilbree gentleman daniell o donovan of Myrosse senior, daniell O donovan of the same Junior. Knogher mc daniell Crowley, donough mc Chartie of Raclaren gentleman. kno. daniell <A> mc Chartie, John Crowley, Charles Daley, old Ladye Muskerrie & her sonne Owen Chartie gentleman Charles mc Chartie Reagh of kilbritton Esquire, Walter White neer Corke, gentleman Teig mc ffyneen Chartie of Gortnikilley gentleman ffyneen mc donough O Mahonn Charles Chartie of killmichell gentleman James Mallevant of Watersland gentleman. dermott Callihan, donough mc ffyneen Chartie of killmalodey gentleman. Carrowe mc ffyneen Chartie of killmodelie gentleman Owen mc ffyneen Crowley Chartie of Currow Crowley gentleman. donough mc ffyneen Chartie of Malbracke gentleman. Charles mc Shane Crowley of Ardgohan gentleman. Owen mc Cormock Chartie of Crohan gentleman. ffyneen mc donough Chartie of Currowrand gentleman. Morice O Gamucke of Ballinadee gentleman. Murrough o donovan of the Leapp gentleman. Teig mc Chartie of driksan gentleman. Callihan Chartie of Ahyneell gentleman, dermott mc Cormock Chartie of Temple Trayne gentleman. Teig Morfield of Ballemoney gentleman., daniell O Culleyn of Courses Towne gentleman. Auliffe O Leyrey of Sagilley gentleman. daniell mc dermott Charte of Tullagh gentleman. John o Morrey of killnamortrey gentleman. dermott mc Owen Horley of Rahacon gentleman. Peter Neagall of dingell Couch gentleman. donough mc ffyneen of Artlilley Esquire. Charles Callihan Chartie of Cornomucke gentleman. Richard Roche of Kinsale gentleman. Owen mc Chartie of Veale castle gentleman. dermott mc ffyneen Charty of drummaleggah gentleman. knogher O Wollohan of Glanarough gentleman. knogher O Leyrey of Siggella gentleman. William Hurley of Ballevourney gentleman. dermott Chartie of downeen gentleman. Murrough donovan of Carogarriffe gentleman. Henry Goggyn of Larrand gentleman. ffelix mc Chartie of Cloghda gentleman. Owen mc donough Charty of Cahirkirkey gentleman. fflorence mc Chartie of Rossemore gentleman, Cormock mc Teig Chartie of Ringroane gentleman. Brian mc Shihie of Ballecommand gentleman. Patricke Tyrrie neer Corke gentleman, William Hurley of Balleworney gentleman. Con mc Cahir neer killkrey gentleman. Moylen on Cantey of Temple Martyn gentleman, Jane Coppinger of Corke widdowe. John Barrey neere Tymoleage gentleman. daniell o donovan of Castle donovan gentleman. Teig mc Chartie of neare Balleydehab gentleman. Thomas Coppinger neere Ahadowne Esquire. William Mallevant neer kinsale gentleman &c. Owen mc Swyney neer mc Shyneyglas gentleman, fflorence mc Chartie of Gortnocloe Esquire. Thomas Hurley neere Eneskean gentleman. Patricke Roch & Phillip Roch his son of Pollelonge Esquire: But in regard these persons, are out in Rebellion, & are & doe live amonge the Rebells, therefore this deponent cannot gett satisfaccion from them, but these debts are nowe become desperate which were esteemed good debts, before this Rebellion.
Also t his deponent saith that by the occasion & meanes of this Rebellion his Trading is quite decaied to the value of foure hundred pounds per annum, which he gott by dealing with Mr John Quarle s of Amsterdam a dutch merchant, but an English man who was bound to receiue of him in a thousand pound bande to take & receiue of him in one yeare & half sixe hundred broad clothe & to receiue the moneyes vpon the delivery, as also his trading with manie others besides

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to his lo s se of the value of one hundred pounds per annum.
He further deposeth, that ther is oweing vnto him in severall debts one hundred thirteen pounds 19 shillings & Eleuen pen c, from seuerall Englishs former ly dwelling at Tralee killarny, & Glanerogh in the County of kerry, but now, some of them being slaine the rest, driuen from ther habitations, all robbed & spoyled of what they had by the Rebells, he accounted the sayd debts desperat & further he deposeth not. The totall of his losses amounts to seuen hundred threescore & sixteen pounds one shilling eleven pence, besides the fiue hundred pound per annum which aforesa i d, which he leaues to Consederation

Henry Turner
Jurat coram nobis Sept: 24
Tho: Graye Dec:
Phil: Bisse

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Deponent Fullname: Henry Turner
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Free burgesse
Deponent County of Residence: Cork
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: John ffaggan, And {} Skiddey, William Matthewes, Teig daniell O Mahonn, donell O Murry, donough O Murrey, daniell O Murrey, Randall {} Hurley, Callahan mc daniell Charty, fflorence mc Chartie, Edmond Gould fitz{Thomas }, Owen O Swillevan, Marke O Swllivane, daniell O Swillevan, daniell O Leyrey, Rowland ffield, Teig O driscall, Richard {}, Auliffe O Crowley, {Richard} oge Hurley, dermott mc Chartie, {} Charte, daniell mc Shane oge O healyhye, knogher O hea, ffyneen mc daniell Chartie, knogher O Cont{} mc Callahan Charty, dermott Chartie, knogher dermott Chartie, Callahan Chartie, ffyneen Chartie, dermott O Callinan, daniell o donovan, daniell o donovan, Knogher mc daniell Crowley, donough mc Chartie, daniell mc Chartie, John Crowley, Charles Daley, Ladye Muskerrie, Owen Chartie, Charles mc Chartie Reagh, Walter White, Teig mc ffyneen Chartie, ffyneen mc donough O Mahonn, Charles Chartie, James Mallevant, dermott Callihan, donough mc ffyneen Chartie, Carrowe mc ffyneen Chartie, Owen mc ffyneen Chartie, donough mc ffyneen Chartie, Charles mc Shane Crowley, Owen mc Cormock Chartie, ffyneen mc donough Chartie, Morice O Gamucke, Murrough o donovan, Teig mc Chartie, Callihan Chartie, dermott mc Cormock Chartie, Teig Morfield, daniell O Culleyn, Auliffe O Leyrey, daniell mc dermott Charte, John o Morrey, dermott mc Owen Horley, Peter Neagall, donough mc ffyneen, Charles Callihan Chartie, Richard Roche, Owen mc Chartie, dermott mc ffyneen Charty, knogher O Wollohan, knogher O Leyrey, William Hurley, dermott Chartie, Murrough donovan, Henry Goggyn, ffelix mc Chartie, Owen mc donough Charty, fflorence mc Chartie, Cormock mc Teig Chartie, Brian mc Shihie, Patricke Tyrrie, William Hurley, Con mc Cahir, Moylen on Cantey, Jane Coppinger, John Barrey, daniell o donovan, Teig mc Chartie, Thomas Coppinger, William Mallevant, Owen mc Swyney, fflorence mc Chartie, Thomas Hurley, Patricke Roch, Phillip Roch, John Quarles
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Mentioned