Examination of James Dalton
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 256r
The Examinacion of James Dalton of wexford merchant aged about thirty yeares taken vpon oath on the behalfe of the Comonwealth Concerning the said Allexander Roach Alderman deceased
<Vpon the whole> Matter of the Interrogatoryes the deponent saith that he knoweth that the said Allexander liued in the Irish quarters sometime at his farme of Assaly & other time at his howse in Wexford the whole time of the warre, & did not remooue as he might haue done if he had pleased into the english quarters as the english & protestants dwelling in Wexford did & saith that the said Allexander was an Alderman in the towne & saith that the said Allexander Roach had a sonne by name Clement Roach <r> which said Clement was entertained & had Correspondency with his father the said Clement hauing afterwardes as the deponent heard by generall relacion of the Towne Inhabitants parte of a frigot att Ostend And further saith that this deponent of his owne knowledge is assured that the said Allexander did buy [ a bar ] an english barque brought into wexford by the pyrates resident therein in Wexford for the more certainty whereof the deponent did see the said barque lye at the said Allexanders key & heard by Credible reporte that the said Allexander had bought the same in or about the yeare 1648: & further saith not &c
James Dalton
Sworne before vs the
18th of January 1653
William Woodwarde
John Walker
fol. 256v
Allexander Roch faire