Deposition of John Massie
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 02:10 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 342r
John Massie of Ballinakill in the Queens Countie Chapman sworne and examined deposeth and saith That about the begining of the present Rebellion & since This deponent hath bin at Ballinakill aforesaid and at Ballirone Athy and Dublin forceibly by meanes of the Rebellion deprived robbed dispoyled or otherwise dampnified in his meanes goods & chattells consisting of Bedding lynen howshold goods wares merchandize one nagg debts & the benefite of his trading <171 li. 10 s.> the value of 171 li. 10 s. sterling And that he is like to be depriued of the future proffitt & benefite of his trading (formerly worth vnto him 40 li. per annum) vntill a peace be established: And the deponent hath had another affliction by an extreame sicknes: which hath bin very tedious & long vnto him & yet he is not cleared of the dangerous disease thereof & thereby is vtterly impouerished and disabled to get his Liveing
<Dr J: H B>
John Massye
Jur 2o Maij 1643
Hen: Jones
Hen: BreretonDromi[ ]
fol. 342v
Q County
John Massy Jur 2o May 1643