Examination of NickolasStafford

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=819267r311] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:35 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1653-12-23
Identifier: 819267r311


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Wexford
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Confederacy
Commissioners: John Walker, Mathew Stothard, Thomas Hart
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 267r

The Examination of Nickolas Stafford Esquire taken in behalfe of the Commonwealth Concerninge the aforsaid Thomas Rosceter of Rathmacknee
<to the first interro> this deponent sath that the said Thomas did liue in the first yeare of the warr and after tell the Lord Croomwell Came to the Countye of Waxford at <h> Rathmacknee aforsaid and beinge in the Irish quarters and that he the said Thomas might haue remoued to the english Quarters as some English did without danger at the first of the warr
<to the 2 interro> this deponent sath that the said Rosseter at the tyme of the Lord Croomell’s Cominge as aforesaid to the towne of Waxford fled from his said howse <I> into more remote quarters of the Irish and would not except of protection as this deponent and others did where the said Thomas Continued tell the Irish submetted and laid downe armes
<to the 3o interro> this deponent sath that he is Confident that the said Rosseter did in the first yeare of the warr actually Contrebute and subscribe and consent to the raisinge of men <k> monye and other prouission of war and was of the Countye miletia and forces raised by the Irish in the said first yeare
<to the 4th interro> this deponent sath that the said Rosseter did acte and abett the warr in the said first yeare and this deponent doth verelye beleiue that the <L> said Rosseter was present at the sum and Consentinge to the somoninge of Duncanon he the said Rosseter beinge present with the Irish forces befo against the said place as an officer

fol. 267v

<to the 5th and 6th interrogatorye> he can not depose
<to the 7th interro> this deponent sath that he beleiueth that the said Rosseter <m> did take the oath of association it beinge generally imposed
<to the 8th interro> this deponent sath that the said Rosseter was of the Po Nunctioe faction and and that the <n> whoe was a gent from the pope and that the said Nunctioe was one night entertayned by the said Rosseter at his howse aforesaid
<to the 9th interro> this deponent sath that the said Rosseter was in the first yeare of the warr a Captain of a <o> foote Company and a county Counceller and about the yeares 1643 and 1644 a Comisioner sh high sheriffe of the and tresurer of the County of Waxford for and soe Continued for seauerall yeares
<to the 10th interro> this deponent sath that the said Rosseter had a Brother by name Phillepe Rosseter <p> that was a Leiftenant and that he held Corri Corrispondencye with and had releife from thes said Brothe Thomas as a Brother
<to the 11th interro> he Can not depose
<to the 12th interro> this deponent sath that the said Thomas did by Leasse for Leasse or other order from the <q> Comisioners of the fourth part appoynted and disposinge of the English and protestants Estats about the yeare 1644 take the Estate of Nickolas Codd protestant into his posession and Conuerted the same to his best aduantedg the names of the

fol. 268r

said Comissioners were Peirce Butler Phillep <q> Darinell Nickolas Hollewood and others whome this deponent remembereth not
<to the 13th interro> he can not depose
Nic: Stafford
Sworne and examened before vs this 26th of december 1653
Tho Hart
John Walker
Mathew Stothard

Deponent Fullname: Nickolas Stafford
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Esquire
Deponent County of Residence: Wexford
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Thomas Rosceter, Phillepe Rosceter, Peirce Butler, Phillep Darinell, Nickolas Hollewood, Lord Croomells, * Nunctioe, Nickolas Codd
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Mentioned, Mentioned, Victim