Deposition of Samuell Ring

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 04:50 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1644-01-03
Identifier: 815348r403


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Queen's Co
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Assault, Death, Multiple Killing, Robbery, Stripping
Commissioners: Henry Brereton, Henry Jones
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 348r

Samuell Ring of Mountrath in the Queenes County yeoman sworne and examined deposeth and sayth That about the begining of December 1641 Hee this deponent was amongst the rest of his protestants neighbours forceibly depriued robbed and dispoyled of his estate goods and chattells at Mountrath aforesaid Consisting of Cowes oxen horses Mares sheepe Corne hay swyne howsholdstuff debts Carts, a wayne traise harnesse implements of husbandry & was expelled from his farme & quite dispojled thereof to his damage & absolute losse of six hundred and fifty poundes at the Least. And saith that the parties that soe robbed him of his <A> goodes were the tenants and servants of the lord of Vpper Ossery whoe in the night tyme assaulted and sett vpon this deponent & 4 others in his company & murthered one of them vizt Elkenagh East & shott or rather scarred the deponent on the head with a brase of bulletts where with he fell downe to the grownd And then those Rebells slashed and vyolently struck at him with their swords which blowes lighted flatt & hurt him not mortally Howbeit thone of the bulletts especially haueing drawne bloud of his head and face and he being fallen downe, they left him there for dead And where one of them was saying he would haue his shirt another answered he is sure enough you may haue it as we come back & soe as god almighty had appointed he escaped & they left the place soe as then he gott away and escaped with his Liffe: and his wiffe & 7 children alsoe and her his agd <blynd> mother alsoe flying away, one of his children dyed & soe did his old mother but whether buried or noe he cannott tell Neither did this deponent euer since see his wiffe nor children But he for his owne part

fol. 348v

fled to the Burrowes Castle where he stayd for 40 weekes & from thence gott away secretly by night through woodes and boggs <A> vnto to the Castle of Maryborrow: But in the time of his being in the said Castle of Burrowes The Rebells fflorence ffitzpatrick and Andreas ffitzpatrick and their souldjers f surprised one Lieutenant keys an Englishman and another that was a Taylor (both protestants) and brought them in the open day tyme before and in the sight of this deponent and the rest that were in the Castle, and then haveing first striped them naked hanged both the said Lieutenant & the other protestant vp in a tree & gored and pricked them with their pikes or darts in seuerall parts of their bodies & left them dead hanging there, and being gone away this deponent and the rest of the Castle tooke them downe and buried them.
<Dr J: H B>
Samuell Rin{ge}
Jur tertio die febr Januar ij 1643
Hen: Jones
Hen: Brereton

Samuell Ring Jur
3o Jan: 1643
Intw Ex
1 dec



Deponent Fullname: Samuell Ring
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Yeoman
Deponent County of Residence: Queens County
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Elkenagh East, Lieutenant keys, * Taylor, lord of Vpper Ossery, fflorence ffitzpatrick, Andreas ffitzpatrick
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Victim, Victim, Victim, Mentioned, Rebel, Rebel