Examination of Nicholas Maylor
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 272r
The examinacion of Nicholas Maylor of duncormock Esquire aged 58 yeares or thereabouts being duly sworne & examined concerning the aforesaid Nicholas Deuerox saith
<V> That hee is not very Confident whether the said Nicholas Deverux did at the begining of this warre live in dublin or in the County of Wexford but saith that as hee hath heard hee was in ffethart the house of Mr Nicholas Loftus, where some <g> servants English men belonging to the said Loftus were & that the said deuerox made some termes for himselfe with the Irish partie that came to take in ffethart the daie before that place was surrendred by those English to the Irish, & the said deuerox went from thence it being within two or three myles of duncannon fort, to Ballemagre his owne habitacion which was distant nyne myles from the ffort, as this examinant also heard. But saith further that M the said Nicholas deuerox hath all the tyme of the warres sithence lived at Ballemagre aforesaid, which place was fortefyed by the said deuerox & of with a brestworke mote & drawe bridge.
The examinant saith That the said Nicholas was of the generall Assembly about but the tyme hee well knowes not, [ & hee a ] which Assembly made choise of Supreme Councell men & provinciall Councells <f> & that the said Nicholas had a Comission from the Supreme Councell to bee Captain of Horse & that hee raysed some men & horse of by vertue thereof & enlisted some of his seruants, Tenants & friends in the Countrey, but the yeare or tyme when hee remembers not, ffurther canot depose
Nicholas Meyler
Sworne before vs 6o January 1653
Tho Hart
Mathew Stothard
John Walker
vide 626 bis
fol. 272v