Deposition of Edward Jerman
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 05:51 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 143r
Edward Jerman Late of Coolydoragh in the parish of knockmorn in the Barrony of kynnattalon, and within the County of Corke yeoman A brittish protestant, duly sworne and Examined before vs by vertue of his Maiesties Comission, deposeth and saith, that on or about the ffowrteenth day of ffebruary Last past, and since the beginning of this presente Rebellion in Ireland, he lost, was robbed and forcibly dispoyled of his goodes and Chattles to the seuerall values following vizt, worth 262 li. byImprimis of his Cowes, Oxen, horses, Mares, young Cattle and swyne to the value of One hundred ffortie Nine powndes, Of his Corne in house and haggard to the value of ffowerscore powndes, Of his household stuffe and Implements of husbandry to the value of Three powndes, he l ikewise saith that he was expell ed and driven away from his said farme and house, where he Left in Corne in ground, which he Conceiueth to be Lost, to the value of Thirty powndes; The deponent further saith that by meanes of this rebellion he was dispossessed of his said farme wherein he had, One and Twenty yeares to come att our Lady day Last past, which cost him in fyne and buildings one hundred powndes. This deponent further saith that he was robbed, by Richard Condon of Ballydergan, John Condon, and Morris Condon of killbarry, and Richard Condon of Ballymcpatrice in the said County of Corke gent, and their associats and assistants, the totall of his losses amounts t o two hundred threescore & three pownds & further he cannot depose.
Edward Jearman
Jurat coram nobis 23d Aug:
Phil: Bisse
Jam: Wallis
fol. 143v
The Examinacion of
Edward Jerman