Deposition of John Goodman
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 411r
vijth June 1642
John Goodman sworne & examined
Saith that beeing in Captaine George Greames his Castle of Ballilinen in the Queenes Countie att such tyme at hee the sayd Captayne was beseidged by the Dempsies & there Companies dureing the tyme of the aforesaid Sedge Sir John Bowen wrote vnto the Captaine to receiue Quarter from them Enemy adviseing him, the said Captayne that itt was noe disgrace for kings & Princes had done the like and further alledg e ing that helpe was farr from him the said capt ay n e and parties did not know when hee the said capt ay n e should bee releiued Att which tyme alsoe one William Hetherington of Ballirone in the aforesaid Countie & Peirce ffitz Garrald sometymes one of the Clarkes of the K{in}gs Bench beinge both of them then in open both rebellion two of those whoe bes e eged the sayd capte y ne w rote another were att the house of Sir John Bowen as this Examinant we nt was crediblie enformed and all as appeared by a Letter written by the said Peirce vnto Captaine Greames aforesaid by which letter hee the said Peirce alsoe perswaded the said P eirce Captaine to receiue Quarter and to yeild vpp his Castle wherein were 100 souldiers besides the Commanders mustered by Comand of the right honnorable the Earle of Ormond [ L ord ] Leivennant Gennerall of his Maiesties fforces {&} aboue [ two ] others 200 others and speciall ie if hee { } in case both the said letter he { } <the sayd ffitz Gerrot advised the sayd Captayne by the said letter that in case he would not { }>
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not soe doe to send awaie the Ladies and gentle women who we re reconciled who hee would see conducted to a place of safetie or wordes to that effect or words to that effect And the examinat sayth that the now [Capt?] Liseshawe or Lewes Dempsey & Barnabey Demsey & the forementioned William Hethrington & Peerce ffitz Gerrold were cheafe in command at one tyme when they beseeged the sayd <C> castle of Ballylenan with aboute two thousand Rebells And the examinant alsoe saythe that at an other ty me the sayd Captayne Greames was beseeged in his sayd Castle by Sir Morgan Cavenagh Walter Bagnall Esquire Robert Harpole Thomas Ovington Thomas Davills John Ovington Tibbott Butler Walter Butler & Walter Butler Terlogh Bryan sometymes servant vnto Sir William Reeves Sir Henry Cockeley with many others
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The Examination of John Goodman
Castle to send therin the ladyes & gentle woomen which wh oe were reconciled & he would see them conducted vnto a place of safetie
Rob: Meredith