Deposition of Major Thomas Downing

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 05:07 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1652-11-24
Identifier: 820320r262


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Waterford
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Assault, Multiple Killing
Commissioners: Henry Jones
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 320r

The Examination of Major Thomas Downing of Lismore in the Co: of waterford taken November 24 1652
This Examinant duely sworne saith that he is aged 40 yeares or thereabout: & that he being at Lismore aforesaid about at the begining of the rebellion, and before (as he remembreth) before christmas 1641 that a A party of the rebells among whom was Captain Fenell now Edmund Fenell (now Collonell Fenell being did <A> come to Ballianker neere Lismore aforesaid vnto the house of Hugh Croaker a fearmer & (as the examinant was informed by Christophor Croaker then in the house) they stormed the said house & being resisted the afore Captaine Fenell promised quarter & received out of the winde res the armes of those within, & being entred tooke out of that house one Edward Croaker brother to the said Hugh) whom they shott to death The same time also they did, contrary to the quarter given, take out of the said house John Peike & his two sonnes whom they did hang on a gate at Ballianker aforesaid & as they were hanging (as the Examinant heard) they gave them many wounds striveing who could strike deepest This Examinant further saith that he did bring away the Corpes of the said Edward Croaker (his brother in lawe) & buried it: & buried also the bodies of the said Pieke & his sonnes: & that he did se that very morneing the said <B> Fenell & (as he heard) Richard Butler of Kilcash brother to the E: of Ormond [ ] then marching away with th[ ] the said parties from Ballianker after the said murders who & that they then marched to the warren at Lismore & after over the blackwater at Affawne
This Examinant further saith that Anne downing the Examinants wife being greate with child within 2 moneths of her time & 3 smale children named Thomas, Robert & Anne [ ] downing (the Eldest being about 6 yeares, the yongest about <C> a yeare & halfe old) & one George Browne the Examinants servant were murdere{d} {at the} house in {Mil}towne in the Co of Limerick & barony { } {J}ohn kenedy { }

fol. 320v

as this Examinant heard, he being then at Lismore aforesaid & that Sir John Browne of the Hospitall about a mile & halfe from Miltowne aforesaid then pursued the said Kenedy & his party, by whom one James Gold brother in lawe to the said Sir John Browne was then slaine in that pursuit And further saith not Tho: Downing
deposed before me
Hen: Jones

fol. 322r


fol. 322v


The Exam of Major
Thomas Downing
the murder of
Edward Croaker
John Pieke & his 2 sonnes
by Collonell Fenell
also of
of Anne Downing by
John Kenedy & his brother
of the Silvermines

Deponent Fullname: Thomas Downing
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Major
Deponent County of Residence: Waterford
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Edmund Fenel, John kenedy, Hugh Croaker, Edward Croaker, John Peike, Thomas downing, Anne downing, Robert downing, Anne downing, James Gold, Richard Butler, E: of Ormond, Sir John Browne, Christophor Croaker
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Rebel, Mentioned, Mentioned, Witness