Deposition of John Hoskins
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 02:08 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 109r
John Hoskins of Clongell in { } of Clongell and Baronie of { } within the Countie of East{meath} Clarke, duelie sworne depos{eth} vizt
That on the fiue and twentieth daie of October hee was at his house in Clongell aforesaid robbed an{d di}spoiled of his goods of the values followeing.
Inprimis in Corne, Turffe, and hay _________________________100 li. or ther{eabout}
Item in Cattell _________________________________________ 24 li. or ther{eabout}
Item in houshould goods of seuerall sorts ___________________136 li. or the{reabout}
Item due by Bonds the seuerall somes hereafter followeing vizt
Due by Bond on Mr Veldon of Raffin
in the Countie of East Meath at
St Patrickes and midsomer next ___________________________ 25 li._00 s.{ }
Item due by Bond ioyntlie and seuerally on Mr Bath ffleming of
knightstowne d r akestowne and Mr Walsh of fflesherston in the said
Countie at the tymes aforesaid ____________________________ 28 li._0{ }
Item due by Bond at the tymes aforesaid on Mr ffleming of drakestowne
in the said Countie _____________________________________ 25 li._0{ }
Item due by Bond ioyntlie and seuerally at the tymes aforesaid
on William Tallon and Patricke Halpennie of fflesherstowne
in the said Countie _____________________________________ 10 li._0{ }
Item due by Bond on Walter Tallon of fflesherstowne aforesaid at the
tymes aforesaid ________________________________________ 4 li._5 s. { }
Item due by Bond on Patricke McNemanagh of fflesherstowne
aforesaid at the tymes aforesaid ___________________________ 4 li._00 s. { }
Item the Rectories of Clongell, drakestowne and kilshennie worth
{ } __________________________________________________140 li. or { }
fol. 109v
By or by the meanes (as I am Credibly enformed by my servants whoe were present at the robbing of my said house) of vizt
<A> Mr Betaghes sonne of Moynaltie in the said Countie, Mr Mapes sonne of Mapestowne in the said Countie
John Darcie of Newtowne in the parish of Clongell aforesaid
Thomas White of Clongell aforesaid
James White of the same
Plunkett of the same
Patricke Proudfoote of the same
William Halpennie of the same
Brien fferrila of the same
Nicholas White of the same
Hugh Managhan of the same
Thomas fferrila of the same
<B> Phillipp Carmicke of the same
Rorie Mulledie of the same
Hugh Magennell of the same
Thomas Corkerane of the same
Connor Shinehan of the same
James Borret of the same
Mahowne Clerikan of the same
Cahill Halpennie of the same
Phelim and Dermot Laughlin of the same
Shane Borret of the same
Donogh fferrila of the same
Shane Duffe of the same
Cowconaght Gilshinagh of the same
Shane Gilshinagh of the same
<C> Dermot Lenehan of the same
Mr John Tallon of fflesherstowne in the same Parish
Mr Edward Tallon of Wilkinstowne the Countie of Eastmeath aforesaid
{ }
fol. 110r
fol. 110v
7 John Hoskins Estmeath
viijo Jan: 1641
Intr 25 octo: