Deposition of William Howard
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 02:11 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 111r
William Howard Viccar of Ballmagarvy in the Barony of Duleeke in the County of Meath duely sworne saith.
That on the 16th day of Nouember or thereabouts now Last past there came into his howse <A> Patricke Glasse of Buttanstowne, Bryan boy of the same, Thomas Collar of the same, George & parish of Ballmagarvy Magenis of the same, John Lynagh of Ballmagarvy, Nicholas Brice, Walter Culshe, Teige MacanTegart; Andrew Brangan and P Patricke ffox <Patrike Mayrne of the Manc Margeret Neehalin of the same William Kean Patrike Kean all of Balmagarvy> with others and robbed and dispoyled him of all by force of all his houshould goods worth fifteene pounds pounds and two naggs worth seauen pounds
And further deposeth that about the tyme aforesaid hee being forced by the parish i oners deliuered vnto Gerrald Aylmer of Ballrath <B> Esquire the key of the church doore with all the necessarys belongeing to the church the Church bible [ ] hed and also the key of his hall=doore and chamber=doore, with all his cattell corne and hay the number and value whereof followeth (vizt)
Inprimis eight milch cowes and two calues worth _________________________20 li._0 s._0 d.
Item Thirty six sheepe worth __________________________________________ 9_0_0
Item seauen swine worth _____________________________________________ 2_0_0
Item Mr the said Mr Aylmer oweth him for tyeth corne _____________________ 3_0_0
<Besides his church liveing worth 70 li. per annum>
Item Corne and hay worth____________________________________________20_0_0
In all___________________76 li._0
This deponent further deposeth, that the said Garrot Aylemer dureing this deponents abode with the said Aylemar, imployed <C> diverse men to make great store of pikes: And that the said Aylemar commonly resorted to the value of Duleeke with diverse other gent at severall meetings there.
William Howard
jurat 29 Jan: 1641
Roger Puttocke
William Aldrich
fol. 111v
fol. 112r
fol. 112v
20 Meath 124
William Howard Clark
Jur 29o Jan: 1641
Cert fact
16 no