Deposition of Humphrey Jones
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:08 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 116r
Humphrey Jones Liveing in Jonestowne in the Countye of Meath ffarmor duly sworne sayeth that aboute the 20th daie of November Last Anno Domini 1641 was Robbed & pillaged (as farr as he conceives to his best knowledge) by James White of Ratoath Young Jelouse of the same Nicolas Ife of Balebine, Patrick Hoath of killeglane, And Mr Preston of <A> Balinedon his porter beside a score of others villanous, and mercilesse rebells theire Companions, that came about tenn a clock in the night time in a very violent maner & vsing trayterous speeches, broke openn his doores & windowes, and thretned to burne his house, & him selfe like to bee murthered by them And lost in Cowes to the valewe of _____________________ 40 li.
In houshould stuff, Corne, Cloathes & Bookes to the value of ________________ 40 li.
In redie money, And debts by Booke specialtyes & otherwise ________________ 40 li.
In the improvement of his lease of 72 Ackers of Land which he heald from Mr Jon Talbott of Roberstowne for 20 yeers yett to comm and vnexpired, and about the rate of iij s._8 d. an Aker, And other buildings & fences by him made ______________________________120 li._0_
<240 li.> In all amounting to CCxl li.All which he is redye to depose to his best tknowledgeHum: Jones
Jur 9th ffebr. 1641
John Sterne
William Hitchcock
Humphrey Jones his Losses of ______ 240 li.
fol. 116v
22 o
Humfrey Jones Jur
ixo die ffebr 1641
Cert imediate facte
Intr 20 Nov: