Deposition of John Wilson
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 145r
The xxviijth daye of ffebruary Anno Domini 1641
I John Wilson vicarr of RathRegan within the countye and diocesse of Meath hav e ing b i n duly sworne and examined doe hereby vpon my conscience and oath testifie that I haue beene crediblye informed, by those which weere my servants at the time of this common pillageinge, and also by others of knowen credite that about the 24th day of November last the rebells being the poorer sort of parishe dwellers and others, did in the daye time forciblye enter vpon my house broake open the same, and carried awaye household goods to the valewe of 7 li. or thereabouts, also they tooke awaye in cowes to the worth of 30 li. also I lefte in the hands of one <A> whom I trusted Mr Patrick Cusack of Blackhall 2 mares and a colt worth at the least 8 li. and likewise the oversight of my heygard corne and heye being worth at the least 58 li., which I am credibly enformed are wholy pillaged: And fearing to staye in the house myselfe by reason of the deadly threatnings, which I crediblye heard weere giuen out against my person, I did giue order and appointment vnto my servants being lefte in the house to convaye vnto certaine houses of the towne dwellers, whom vpon longe experience I assuredly conceiued to bee loyall and honest, all my bookes, and the greatest parte of my brasse pewter bedding and other household stufe, worth at the Least 40 li. which as I am by some informed are pillaged and taken away from the places where they weere Lefte
Lastly there is oweing vnto mee about the some of 100 li. at the least, some parte whereof being for tiths and church duties, but the greatest parte indeed being money which in meere charity without further consideracion I did lend e lend vnto parishoners and some fewe others in their distres and occasion and the parties or debters I greatly feare either are or will be wholy diseabled from makeing payement or satisaffaction
The some of all the said losses 243 li.
John Wilson
jurat vltimo ffebr. 1641
Roger Puttocke
William Aldrich
fol. 145v