Examination of Joane ny Carayne
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=820351r289] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 05:31 PM
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fol. 351r
<2> Joane ny Carayne of Talloubridge in the County of Waterford spnister aged twenty yeares or thereabouts beinge duely sworne and examined deposeth and sayth that shee lay in <B> Mr Benberry his barne adioyneinge to his house the night that he was Carryed away but the Certayne tyme shee knoweth not and that there were in Company with the enemy when Mr Benberry Carryed away away one Teige mc Daw and [ ] [ was ] [ ] and Patr i cke Patricke o Sovayne, but as for the prysoner William o Reghie shee knowth him not And further sayth not
Phillip Ebzery
fol. 351v
fol. 352r
fol. 352v
Margarett Southwell
and Joane ny Currane
of Tallow bridge
against Reghy and