Examination of Teige boy O’Mulryan
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fol. 213r
The Examination of Teige boy O Mulryan, Taken the 5o of November 1652
Sayth that hee was nott att Cashell when Collonel Phillip Odwyre Entred Cashill, nor in two Nights <A> after, hee sayth that hee hath seene John Lindsey in the Barrony of Kilnemanagh and that hee hath heard that the said John Lindsey was Killed att Cashill by Phillip mc Thomas Odwyre, or William Mc Shane. hee denyeth that hee had any hand in any of the Murthers or plunderinges att Cashell. hee sayth that hee went to Cashell about twenty fower howres after Cashill was Entred by Phillip Odwyre, to saue his goods from beinge plundered, and himselfe from beinge hanged, and further sayth nott
Examined by
S: Richards.
fol. 213v
fol. 214r
fol. 214v
The Ex: of Teige
O Mulryan.