Deposition of William Hull

Collection: Bysse Depositions

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:00 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-10-22
Identifier: 824253r225


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Cork
Deposition Type: Bysse
Nature of Deposition: Apostacy, Arson, Robbery, Lost By Debts
Commissioners: Philip Bisse, Robert Southwell
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 253r


<N:i:> Sir William Hull knight & one of his Maiesties Councell of Mounster, late of Ly m c on in the parish e of Sc ull and in the Barrony of Enagh, and within the County of Corke:a Bryttyshe protestant duly sworne and examined before vs by vertue of Comission &c. deposeth and sayeth that on or about the fifthe daye of December Laste paste and & diuers times since the begininge of this rebellion in Ireland: he Loste, was robbed and foribly dispoyled of his goods & Chattells to the severall values followeing (vizt) value of 7679 besides the proffitts of his lands & leases worth 1148 li. per annum
Imprimis the firste Robbers wer great ô Mahowne alias ô Mahown ffoone of the parishe of killmoo alias the parishe of Crookhaven in west Carbry in the Barony of Evagh gentleman Donnogh oge ô Mehgan of the same gent. Daniell mc donnogh oge of the same yeoman: donnogh Spain Dermond mc Teig of the same yeomen with many others of the same parishe. Dermond Merriga of the Gubbyn in the parishe of Scull yeoman togeither with Dennes Roagh ô Mahowne Lord of the Castell of Donmanos & his sonn Daniell mc donnogh o Mahowne in the parishe of Scull gentleman Dermond ô Glack (alias Dermond Cartye) of Donbeacon Castell gentleman Cornellis ô Mahowne, ffynnen oge ô Mahowne, dermond ô Mahowne, and their other twoo brothers, all of Lymcon in the saide parishe of Scull gentlemen Mahowne Merriga (alias Mahowne oge ô Mahown Dermond Meriga (alias o Mahown) Teig ô Mahowne all of the Gubbyn in the saide parishe of Scull yeomen: John mc Dermond of Long Iland gentleman & his brother William gentleman and John ô Mehan yeoman all of the parishe of Scull: John o Muckloo (alias Cartye, Teig mc donnoghe oge of Castelltons gentleman and William Candler of Scull, an Englishman & protestant Lately turned papist with seven or eight hundred other Rebells came about Christmas Laste or a littell after, and drew themselvs to a head and besieged the castell & Towne of Crookhaven siesed on all the Inhabitants goods in the Towne (but what the Townsmen had shifted into the Castell) amounting to a good value: besides they seised on a Culveryn of his Maiesties spoylinge parte of the houses and fishing sallellers and in this company wer Teig Merriga of Kilmoo & his sonn yeomen Daniell Canty Landlord of Donkelly gentleman, Owyn Canty of the same gentleman Dermond ô Mahowne and his brother Cnoghore ô Mahowne of the parish of kilmoo gentleman with the Inhabitants of Shantolo, (cum multis aliis). This Towne of Crookhaven with the Land thervnto belonging was in possession of Sir William Hull knight for which he did receiv yeerly about twoo hundred & eightye pownds as by the rentell maye appeer having sixty and fower yeers remainde r to come of nynty nyne yeers <symbol> from the first taking of the lease, so his los s in that yeerly is__00250 li.__00 s.__00 d.
Besides after the Rebells wer beaten out of the Towne, and a Shipp Imployed ther, to bring awaye the distressed people (being allmost famished, the Captaine of the shipp Captaine Cole by command (as he pretended) from the parlament, fired and burnt bothe Castell and Towne of Crookhaven with all the fishing sellers which cost above 3500 li. the buyldinge and so Left the Towne of Crookhaven & Lands to the rebells dispose. from thence this shipp went to Lymcon to reliev & carry awaye Sir William Hulls eldest sonn and family and the rest that wer in the same distress that Crookhaven was, by beeing kept in by all those aforesaide Rebells & many more asembled, the aforesaide Captaine firing and burninge Lymcon Castell and also the Towne of Scull, belonginge to the said Sir William Hulls knight and so left those lands and the other Lands followeing in the possessions of the rebells as they with held it before from the begining of the rebellion
Imprimis the three plowlands of Balduling in kilmoo parishe ffee simple and halfe a plow land of Wheelnakelly fee simple, which worth coibus Anis paide to Sir William Hull per annum0045__10__00
<symbol> Shantolo, drishane, Stonybeach, the plowland of Acc r dowry & the mill held by Long lease from the Earle of Corke yeelded Sir William Hul l above his rent, per annum0044__10__00
Tenn plowlands of Lymcon held by Sir William Hull some by long lease, some by morgaige for as much as the ffee simple is worthe out of which Sir William Hull was to paye but seven pownds per annum rent: the land being worth yeerly with the mills & tenements 190 li. per annum so resteth per annum besides the Landlords rent 0189 183 _ 00 00
0519__00_ 00

fol. 254r


<N:2:> Besides the great and strong houses and fishhouses that Sir William Hull <b.> built on it Lymcon which cost above foorteen hunderd pownds , and the fishing on the land did somtymes yeeld him fifteen hunderd, or twoo thousand pownds per annum proffitt by it the howse being so fortified with Towers & works for defence that it was abell to defend it selfe well againste fower or five thousand vpon any attempt, before the ordnance belonging to it wer otherwise disposed of nowe the hope of gaine of fishe & all is Los te: I saye1400 li.__00 s.__00 d.
<s> <#> These R ebells have carryed awaye out of Sir William Hulls fishing sellers of Dunbeacon alias Drishane, and the severall fishing sellers at Lymcon above eight hunderd barrells of new salte, for which hee paide to Mr John Coletton of Exeter merchant seven shillings & six penc for everye barrell besides petty charges of L andinge & to stor e0300__00__00
<s> <#> the saide Rebells have taken & carryed out of the foresaid sellers above twelve hunderd barrells of mixt salt, that is one third of new salte & twoo thirds of salt once vsed, which amongst fishermen of knowledg is prys e d at five shilling s each barrell, which comes to 00330__00__00
<#>the saide Rebells have carried awaye out of the saide sellers above eleven thousand of hogsed staves which cost 3 li. per m besides petty charges0033__00__00
<#> they carryed from the same sellers fower thousand of barrell staves which cost fifty three shillings per m besides charges _______0010__12__00
<#> they have carryed awaye out of the same sellers above three hunderd & sixty bucklers to presse fishe with which cost a shilling per peece, bu t I sett them but at 8 d. per pe ece which comes t o0012__00__00
<#> these rebells carryed awaye and burnt as many prespoles which cost 8 d. per peice , but I sett them but at 6 d. per peece is0009__00__00
<#> they have carryed away from all those sellers, above six hunderd dosen of hogsed hoopes at 9 d. per dosen: besides barrell staves0022__10__00
<#> They have carried away a nd burn t as many gurryes for salte & fishe, barrells Iron=bound to measure salt withall, handbarroes basketts for fishe & salte, syves, sticking ro d ds, coopers twiggs dealbords to lay fishe on boats=bucketts & bowells as was worthe0005_10_00
<#> they spoyled & broke at these sellers as many traine ho g s e d s standerds washinge tubbs to wash fish in and other necessaries as wer worth0003__00__00
<C> <#> as much spare corke for seanes bought of Mr Tayler i n Bristoll as cost besides costome & fraight0003__00__00
<C> <#> as many corks holde s , with the balches as were worthe0002__00__00
<X> <#> they to oke out of the seller, at Lymc on called the wyne seller as manye masts for shipps, beams, plancks as were worthe0015__00__00
<X> <#> about six hunderd waight of pitch and Rosen cost 10 s. per c0003__00__00
<C> <#> as much barke to barke netts with worthe0001__00__00
<#> [ ] old ne t to repaire the vanes with at donbeacon0006__00__00
<#> at Dunbeacon sellers they burnt, broke & carryed away
<#> 200 hogsed ready made at tenn shillings per tonn0025__00__00
<#> at Donbeacon and L y mc on fifteen sean boats, old & new, which cost at first, some eight li., som nyne li., & some tenn pownds per boat and every yeer kept in good repaire, and now valued but in seven pownds & tenn shillings per boat i s0112__10__00
<#> one sean boat more at Lymcon loaden with dealbords and other things the boat and goods worth at Least and was to be carryed to Clonakeltye0015__10__00
< # > another great coasting boat of 12 tonns or therabout taken with the forenamed rebells at Lymcon: being bownd thenc to Clonakelty house laden with the better sorte of housholde stuffe , as bedding Lynnen and much varyitye use as musketts, pykes, amunition, Cullors, drums a skarfe which cost twelv pownds whic h for want of the Inventory, wee value the boat with her masters sayles, oares, cabells & ankors & ropes but at 26 li. 10 s. and the goods at a hunderd and fifty po wnds : is in all 0176 176 __10__00
<#> Left in the Castell o f Lymcon at his departure, in a munition, vittells, beer wheat malt, peace, sheepp for provision which was not less worth then0150__00__00
Lost on the lands of Lymcon 1300 sheepe worth 173 li. tot: 2625_2_0 2533 __00__00
tot: 2730 li. 2 6 25__02

fol. 254v


fol. 255r


<N:3:> <Laet?> <# > at Donbeac on and Lymcon above three hund er d oares for these boats vse which cost with the fraight which with the fraight from the Bantry at th irty three six halfe pence halfe penny per foott being from 17 ffootte Long to 22 ffoott e is twoo shillings & nyne pence per oare: which wee will value but at twoo shillings & six pence 0037 li.__10 s.__0 d.
<c> <# > ther belong to these sixteen boats a cabell and ankor or graper the cabell waying three quarters of a hundred at forty shillings per hund er d bought of Mr Tayler of Bristoll, be sides double custome, fraight & other petty charges & the grapers waying about fifty pownd one with the other at a groat per pownd, besides, twoo customes , fraight, and petty charges0037__06__08
<# > In the sellers about twoo hunder d Clobords to mend boates at eight pence with fraight, and tymbers for boates as were well worth0007__13__00
<C> <# > for Boyes & bouyro pes belonging to every graper0001__05__06
<c> <# > for twoo new seans as they cost in Bristoll of Mr Tayler besides fraight twoo customes and petty charges, with balches, Corks, Leads & makinge0076__15__00
<c> <# > for seven other seans well repaired with new brests, capins, balches & staples new sett, which I value but in fower & twenty pownds per sean0168__00__00
<c> <#l> three stopnetts about a hunderd & eighty fatham long, moste parte codnett well repaired and well worth twenty fower pownd per nett0072__00__00
<c> <# > twoo Turk netts all of Codnett, worth tenn pownd each nett0020__00__00
<c> <#> six herrine netts for a drift cost0007__16__00
<c> <#> for nyne Tarpolins, for each sean one some of them being woren valued at0007__10__00
<c> <# > ther did belong to every sean seven peeces of warpprope, waying about nyne hunderd & three quarters to every sean which cost forty shillings per C to Mr Tayler of Bristoll, besides fraight twoo customes & charges in all eighty eight hunderd & a quarter is0176__10__00
<c> <# > a remainder of new nett and a hunderd & halfe of twyne worthe0022__10__00
<c> < #> three hunderd of new spa r e balthe worth0007__10__00
<c> <# > five dosen of Lantherns to worke by night as they cost in Bristoll0003__00__00
<c> <# > eight dosen of salte scoopes and fishe scoopes at six penc per scoop and
<# > three dosen of bowell e scoo pes for boats at 9 d. per boate0003__09__00
<# > for shovells & pickaxes for salte0001__03__04
<# > for 300 dosen of gadds to bynde pres tones0008 _15__00
<# > for three thousand of pickle hog sed staves for traine oyle casks at three pownds and fifteen shillings per m0011__05__00
< > for sives for fishe & salte & mocking Irons to marke the ho g s e ds0001__00__00
<+> <# > twoo barrells of Tair cost forty two five shillings per barrell besides fraight
two customes & petty charges
<+> <# > at Lymcon the Rebells had above a hunderd barrells of maulte worthe twelve shillings per barrell_________________________________________________0060__00__00
<# > the saide rebells had at Lymcon five stacks of Corne about forty five foot long and eighteen foott broad worthe__________________________________________0150__00__00
<# > they had of haye worthe____________________________________0015__00__00
<o> <# > the same Rebells carryed from Lymcon eleven hunderd of English yeows in Lamb, for which he payde five shillings per yeow0275__00__00
<o> <# > twenty & five rams which cost tenn shillings per ram0012__10__00
<# > twoo hund er d weathers alwais sold betwixt seven or eight shillins per peice0080__00__00
<# > he left at Lymcon a a few Cowes & mares, but knoweth not the nomber of them : nor who had them worth34___00___
<# > the yeows that wer ready to yean: as many Lams as they had would have yee lded twoo shillings per lam
<# > these rebells carryed from Lymcon as much traine oyle as was worthe forty eight pownds at twelv pownds per tonn as it was then solde0048__00__00
<# > Cornelius ô Mahowne and others of these rebells carryed awaye fowerscore & eight barrells of herrins, which he I hath solde to a merchant of Bristoll at twenty twoo shillings the barrell 0104___06__00
Lost at Lymecon in cowes one mare, one horse, worth 34 li . 14 7 0__ 02_ 06
Lost in implements of husbandry at Lymecon & Clonekilty worth 20 li. 0034__ 00__00
totall 1528 li. 2 6 d. 1528__ 02__00

fol. 255v


fol. 256r


<N:4: >
<+> <# > They carr ied awaye from Lymcon tenn hogs e d s of fu m athess pilcherds worth0020 li.__00 s.__00d
<+> <# > they tooke three baggs of wooll contayning (one with th’other sixteen stone, sold to one Peeter Moss of Low in Cornwall at eleven shillings per stone but he not able to paye for it, the Rebells having taken it, and all that hee had in Crookhaven ready to be Loaden for England so the wooll was Sir William Hulls Lost0050__00__00
<+> <# > goods Left in Lymcon house, that his boat could not carry : worth0100__00__00
<A> <# > the forenamed Rebells deseised him of his Land of the Gubbyn, for which dermond merriga gent ( now a rebell) and his tenants paide him per annum0023__10__00
<# > they disposest him of twelv plowland of Scull which did yeeld him from Englishe tenants a Clergyman & his children0128__00__00
<# > Cornellius ô Mahowne of the same gent leman his mother Ellyn o Mahowne of the same , Richard Copinger < of the I land of Donegall> gent leman and others of Lymcon doe owe him for rent and other debts before these troubles reb: they are in Rebellion0104__00__00
<# > he bestowed & cost him in breaking of rocks at Lymcon & stoninge the Land five tymes all over to make it good earable Land, and so devided it into many fields, of 8-10-15 & 20 Acres in a field, which before a plowe could not worke in it, also in drawing the bo g gs & making gutters vndergrownd wherby the boggs becam e good meddow Land & for ditching and hedginge the sayde La n d (besides sandinge) coste noe less then_0550__00__00 0180__00_00
<#> Thomas Waye of Scull clarke, his sonn Imp: prot: & daughter, and Richard Welch & dermond o Coghlan reb: of Scull owes him by bill for mony Lent, and arrear of rent before these troubles above0080__00__00
<# > he had three plowlands of kilmaccomoke of the Bishopp of Corke for 3 young Lives, which is with held and kept from him Ô Sullivant Bore gent, daniell ô Lery of the same gent. Thomas Woods of the same yeoman David ffido of the same yeoman John oge of the same gent, and others ther, which Land yeelded him more then the Landlords rent per annum0032__00__00
<# > the tennants of that land owe him before these trobles0025__00__00
<# > In Wyntervary he holds a long L ease from the Bishop of Corke of three plowlands in the parishe of kilcroghan called kilcroghan which did yeeld him above the yeerly rent per annum0012__00__00
<ff> <# > in the same parishe of kilcroghan he had as much land ffee simple and in mortgaige as did yeeld him yeerly0114__00__00
<# > All this Land is taken from him & possest by Enys ô daly of kilcroghan gent, Care ô Daly of kagher in the same parishe gent Daniell ô Daly of Rafargan in the same parishe gent: Cormock keigh (alias Carty) of the same gent Thomas Copinger of the same parish gentleman Margrett ny Dermond o Daly wyddow of the same parishe gentlewoman Teig ô Daly of Rosnycaro gent: dermond mc Andres gent: John o Daly gent: Dermod ô Whollahan gent: Walter Mayo & John Mayo yeomen all of the same parish and all those aforenamed doe owe the said Sir William H u ll knight amongst them for mony L ent and arrear of rent before the trobles began0170__00__00
<# > one Hasett in the County of Kerry gent R eb: an Irish rebell being highe Sheriff of t he saide County three yeers since had an execution to Laye on one Nichalas Trant of dinglecoutche for thirty nyne pownds the which mony the saide Hasett received & detaines it & is0039__00__00
<# > he holds a long lease from the Bishopp of Corke, of halfe a plowland by maccroome called Macklaneygh whic h yeelded him above the rent pe r annum0014__00__00
<# > he holds a long lease of Ringkeran moore, from Caher Carty of the same, & his brother gentlemen which yeelded him above the rent per annum and this Land is kept from him by dermond Cartye of Rinkeran moore & his brother 0024__00__00
1315 10 00

fol. 256v


fol. 257r


<N: 5:>
<# > Item he holdeth from the Bishopp of Corke, the Iland of Insidony neer Clonakeltye, the parishe called Insidonye, for neer thirty years yett to come, which yeelded him more then the Bishopps rent yeerly 0076 li.__00 s.__ 00 d.
<# > This is kept from him by Captaine Phillip Barry John Barry of the same parish Teig o Heay of Kilgarriffe gent & others and out of this Iland was taken above
< # > seven hunderd yeaw s, eight rams, a hunderd weathers : yeows at five shillings per peece, rams at tenn shillings per peece, weathers at eight shillings per peece, comes to in all0219__00__00
<# > out of this Iland was carryed awaye by Phillip Barry gent Teig ô Heay gent Thomas mc Mahowne gent, and Dermond Carty alias b l ack Dermond gent <the Iland parish> as much goods as was well worthe0040__00__00
<b> <# > at Clonakelty the R ebells have ruynated the house, carryed away the bords of the flores, of the house: doers, partitions, and spoyled <since burnt the house> the orchards & gardens to the value of above0080__00__00
<b> <# > he holdeth from the Earle of Corke th e twoo plowlands of the desart ne er Clonakelty which hath cost him in hedging & fencinge which the rebells have spoyled togeither with the house valued at0060__00__00
<# > & the land did yeeld yeerly above the Lords rent 0007__00__00
<# > This land is kept away by Tho: Arundell of the ring gent Teig ô Heay gent dermond Carty (alias black dermond) Daniell Crowly of Bi rrane , daniell Barsny and his twoo all his fiue sonns gent and mc Cryiny ny (alias Carty) of Ballenevally <Donough mc Donor y Carty { } Sarsney of the forkills gent> Edmond Barry gent and out of this Land was taken away <symbol> above seven hunderd yeows, worth with their lambs & fleeses on their backs eight shillings & six pence per yeow is in all0297__10__00
<# > he holdeth another parcell of Land from the saide Earle of Corke in the parishe of Clonakelty which yeelds him above the rent per annum0007__00__00
<# > he holdeth halfe the Towne of Clona ki lty from the Earle of Corke of which he made yeerly above the rent of the tenements and parte of the Land, fowerscore & eight pownds, and of his brothers Henry Hulls house & Land twelve pownds per annum is in all0092__00__00
<b> <# > Sir William Hull built a house in Clonakelty the Last yeer which cost him above0800__00__00
<#> the Land being so full of stones that it was not to be plowed therfore it cost him in stonying & fensing it at least0117__00__00 0150__00__00 0117__00__00
<x> <#> the goods left in the house , and carryed away by the rebells all which was carryed awaye by Teig o Heay, mc Crynyny Dermond Carty (alias black D ermond D aniell Sarsny & others0100__00__00
<b> <#> and now Mr Henry Hulls house in Clonakelty is burnt & cost0110__00__00
<b> <#> the rest of the tenements in the Towne being Sir William Hulls Lost, will coste above now burnt, worth _0360__00__00
<#> he holdeth a Lease from the Earle of Barrymoore to continue the Life of his grandmother the viscountyse of Barrymore & thirty yeers after death it is three plowlands called Baran Barleigh & knockbrowne sett to my tenant Daniell Crowlye for a hunderd pownd per annum above the Lords rent, which is eighteene pownds & tenn shillings yeerly I saye0100__00__00
<#> this Land had twoo stone house s on it, & much cattell & horses of my owne & corne of the tennants daniell o Crowly and was taken awaye and burnt by Captaine Woodhouse & his company, one of the Captaines of Bandonbridge without order, not withstanding that daniell Crowly vpon his security given was protected to the damaige of d aniell Crooly & of him my selfe _0250__00__00
And this Land is kep t by Mc Carty Reogh, mc Cryminy, Teig <nere Barley gentleman> oge o Cruoly & divers others
<#> from Cloghnakelty the rebells carryed away in Corne of all sorts in stack & thrashed to the value of 0200__00__00
<#> in haye carryed awaye & vsed by the rebells at Clonakelty 0014__00__00
2829__10__00 2969__10__00

fol. 257v


fol. 258r


<N:6:> In all the Losses & damaiges of the saide Sir William Hull knight wer principle authors & actors in and neer Clonakelty are these vizt mc Carty reoghe gent Esquire John mc Teig ô Toton of kilmallodye parishe daniell mc Teig ô Toton of the same <A> gent Mahowne mc Teig ô Toton of the same gentleman fynnen Leigh (alias Carty of kilnagras: Dermond Carty of Templemallas gentleman Tho: Arundell of Temple mallas Donnogh Cartye of kilnagras Teig O Heay of Heays castell in the parishe of kilgarraff gent: ffynnen mc donnogh Carty gent William oge mc Shane of the Iland parishe gent: Teig oge ô Brelan of Rasebarry yeoman: daniell o Heay & his brother of ballenater gent
<#> Edmond Barry hathe Sir William Hulls Long table
<C> <#> his expences & charges for himselfe his Lady & family in Bandonbridge since these trobles, caused by the rebells vntill the sixthe of October 16420140 __00__00
his Losses at Lymcon not yett mentioned
<o> one gray mare horse by a Spanishe Jennett0015__00__00
<o> one bay geldinge with one stone0009__00__00
<o> fyve Cowes worthe0010__00__00
Implyments for husbandry at Lycom & Clonakelty0020__00__00
his Losses at Clonakelty not entred before
<o> <#> fower geldings & naggs, one mare, & three mare colts of 2 yeres_0028__00__00
<o> <#> five Cowes worthe_____________________________________ 0010__00__00
<#> fortye Akers of wheat growing on the Land this yeer______________ 0120__00__00
<x> <#> one Ankor 2 li. & seventy b arrells of sea coals cost 3 s. per barrell____________________________________________________________0004__10__00
Losse in [ ] of Pallace at Clonikilty worth________________________________10___00__00
His losses at Bandonbridge since he came hither
<o> <#> one Sorrell horse gelding worth when he came hither___________0030__00__00
<o> <#> one black gelding_______________________________________0020__00__00
<o> <#> one dun gelding________________________________________0010__00__00
<o> <#> one graye nage_________________________________________0003__00__00
<o> <#> one baye gelding stoln from daniell Crowly__________________0008__00__00
<o> <#> one black nagg_________________________________________0003__00__00
<o> <#> five oxen worth________________________________________0020__00__00
<o> <#> twoo oxen cost_________________________________________0009__00__00
<o> <#> three Cowes___________________________________________0005__10__00
his Losses at Barran with Daniell Crowly
<o> < # > Oxen, horses, mares & colts, to the value of__________________0060__00__00
ther is 200 mistake in Cost ing of good e s cost to mu ch______________________
Sum: tot:
0525 00 00
another mi stak in balldilli ng 200 a year to mu ch for it comes to but 50 li. Rent______200__00__00

fol. 259r


<No: 7:> The somme of Sir William Hull knight his whole Losses by those trobles are as ffowlloethe (vizt) & marked as in the margent
<o> - Imprimis In Cowes, oxen, geldings, mares, colts, at Lymcon Clonakelty & Bandonbridg as per particulers in this boke0240 li. 10 s.__00 d.
<o>- In Rams, yeows, and weathers0883___10__00
<symbol> - In Corne, & haye in the field & in house0499__00___00
In buylding of twoo faire houses at Lymcon & Clonakelty with Barns, stables, malth ouses, his brother Hull s house and another hous to which his brother was tenant and other tenements2836__00__00
In necessaryes belonging to the fishing for pilcherds & he rrins as caske ready made, hogse d, staves, bucklers, prespoles plouggs pluggs & many other things0195__03__00
<s> - In new salte, & salt mixt063000__00
<c> - by fifteen sean boats, nyne seans, three stop netts twoo tucknetts, with ropes, cables, grapers, & other necessaryes0715__03__06
<I> by one great [ ] & a sean boat both Loaden with goods: and in provition Left in the castell of Lymcon wi th a munition ther 0336__00__00
<X> In goods Left in the houses & sellers at Lymcon, as herrins pilcherds, trayne oyle and wooll, & other goods0546__14__00
by mony oweing him for arrear of rent and mony lent before these trobles0344__00__00
in mony Lead lai d out in breaking of rocks at Lymcon and Clonak elty; and stoning all the Land 5 tymes over to make earrable Land, with fencing, ditching, & trenchinge0433433 00 00
Sir William H u lls expences & charges for him his Lady and familye in Bandonbridge from the 14th of January till the 7the of October 16420140__00__00
In Implyments for husbandry at Lymcon & Clonakelty002000__00
<hand> His Losses besides the rents of his Land as appeareth82878 027__00__00
The rents of his ffee simple Land per annum01830000
The rents of Land held by Long Leases; & mortgages as much as the Land was worthe was yeerly cleer 1065 __00__00
9 5 95 00 00
9074 00 00
Som totall8927 00 00
Wherof his Losses in goods &c. is 7679__00__00
the yeerly rent of his Land in ffee simple is 0183__00__00
the yeerly rent of his Leases & morgages above the Landlords rent is 1065__00__00
and further he cannot depose.

Will: Hull
Jurat coram nobis 22o October
Phil: Bisse
Ro: Southwell

fol. 259v


Deponent Fullname: William Hull
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Knight
Deponent County of Residence: Cork
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: great , Donnogh oge , Daniell mc donnogh oge, donnogh Spain, Dermond mc Teig, Dermond Merriga, Dennes Roagh , Daniell mc donnogh o Mahowne, Dermond , Cornellis , ffynnen oge , dermond , Mahowne Merriga, Mahowne oge , Dermond Meriga, Teig , John mc Dermond, William *, John , John o Muckloo, Teig mc donnoghe oge, William Candler, Daniell Canty, Owyn Canty, Dermond , Cnoghore , Captaine Cole, John Coletton, Mr Tayler, Cornelius , Peeter Moss, Ellyn o Mahowne, Richard Copinger, Thomas Waye, Richard Welch, dermond o Coghlan, Bishopp of Corke, * ԠSullivant Bore, daniell , Thomas Woods, David ffido, John oge *, Enys , Care , Daniell , Cormock keigh, Thomas Copinger, Margrett ny Dermond o Daly, Teig , dermond mc Andres, John o Daly, Dermod , Walter Mayo, John Mayo, * Hasett, Nichalas Trant, Caher Carty, dermond Cartye, Phillip Barry, John Barry, Teig o Heay, Thomas mc Mahowne, Earle of Corke, Tho: Arundell, Teig , Daniell Crowly, * mc Cryiny ny, Donough mc Donory Carty, Edmond Barry, Henry Hull, Daniell Sarsny, Earle of Barrymoore, viscountyse of Barrymore, Daniell Crowlye, Captaine Woodhouse, * Mc Carty Reogh, * mc Cryminy, Teig oge o Cruoly, John mc Teig , daniell mc Teig , Mahowne mc Teig , fynnen Leigh, Dermond Carty, Tho: Arundell, Donnogh Cartye, ffynnen mc donnogh Carty, William oge mc Shane, Teig oge , daniell o Heay
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Rebel, Mentioned, Rebel, Rebel, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Landlord, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Mentioned, Creditor, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Landlord, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Mentioned, Rebel, Landlord, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel