Deposition of Thomas Kilvy
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:20 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 225r
Thomas Kilvy late of Maglare in the County of Eastmeath gentleman Sworne and examined deposeth and saith: That since the begining of the present Rebellion and by meanes thereof Hee The honorable Sir George Wentworthe knighte his maister hath beene & is deprived robbed and dispoyled of his goodes and Chattells consisting of arreres of Rent Corne horses Mares geldings Colts: and hadd his howse of Maglare & three other other howses & buildings burned and Consumed with fyre by the Rebells, to his damage & Losse of twoe thowsand nyne hundreth fifty six Powndes twoe shillinges ster: And that the said Sir Char George Wentworth is like to be deprived of & Loose the future proffitts of his Lands worth ffowre hundred eighty six Powndes xj s. per annum vntill a peace bee established: And saith That the parties Rebells that soe robbed and dispojled his said Master were Edward Hussie <A> of Mulhussie in the same County Esquire whoe first seised on the howse of Maglare & putt & placed his Rebell souldjers therein too keepe possession thereof, And this deponent hath beene credibly informed that Garrett Talbott Brother to Sir Robert Talbott knight did afterwards burne or cawse to be burned the said howse of Maglare & the other howses above mencioned
Tho: Kilkee
Jur iiijto Maij 1643
Joh Watson
Hen: BreretonThomas
fol. 225v
Tho: Kilvy: Jur iiijto
May: 1643