Deposition of Mathew Boulster
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:13 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 27r
Mathew Boulster late of Curraghcunna in the parish of Bregun e and barony of Clangibbon and within in the County of Corke miller (a brittish protestant) duely sworne and examined before vs by vertue of his Maiesties Comission beareing date &c concerneing the losses robberies and spoiles since this rebellion comited vpon the brittish and pro testants within the Province of Munster &c deposeth and saith That vpon the 25th day of December Anno domini 1641 or therabouts and diuers times since the deponent lost was robbed and forceably dispoiled of his goods and Chattles to the seuerall values following vizt worth 69 li. 2 s.
Of cowes one bull heiffers & horses to the value of three and seaven and thirtie pounds two shillinges Of hay in stacke to the value of forty shillinges The deponent further saith that by meanes of this rebellion in Ireland he was dispossessed of parte of the lands of Curraghcunna aforesaid wherin he hath eleven yeeres lease yeet to come & this deponent layed out much chardges in buylding of houses orchards & fences vpon the same & therefore he conceaues himself damnified by looseing the benefitt of the said lease the summe of thirty pounds The totall of his losses amounts to three score and nyne pounds two shillinges & further he deposeth not that aboute the thirtenth of March last this deponent haueing before fled to the Castle of Mitchelstowne in the said County he had conference with his landlord James Condon of KilWallis in the said County gentleman whoe tould this deponent said theis words vnto him vizt Mathew (quoth he) turne backe againe to your house & farme & I will vndertake your safty for [ ]
fol. 27v
that the irish (quoth he ) wilbe too stronge for you and it is vaine to expecte (sayd he) any ayde out of England meaneing being (as this deponent then conceaueth) that he was of opinion that the kinge was on of their side as they nowe comonly reporte & further he deposeth not
Mathew [mark] Boulsters marke
Jurat coram nobis
16o martij 1642
Phil: Bisse
Ric: williamson
The examination of
Mathewe Boulster
Corke 606