Deposition of John Stroughan

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 06:33 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-07-11
Identifier: 817020r036


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Longford & Westmeath
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Robbery
Commissioners: Henry Brereton, John Watson, William Aldrich
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 20r

John Stroughan of the parrish of Kilbeggan in the Countie of Westmeath gent sworne and examined sayth That since the begining of the presente Rebellion and by meanes thereof vizt a little before christmas last this deponent was expelled from Robbed deprived or otherwise dispoyled of his goods and chattells of the values following vizt beasts and Cattle worth Lx li. sheepe worth xviij li. horses worth xxvij li. Corne and hay in the Hagard worth 100 li. Corne in the ground worth 100 li. In howshold goods and wearing apparell worth xx li. Plow Harneis Carts waines and other implements of husbandrie worth iiij li.: some part whereof he left in trust with Tho: Mc Art of Camenstowne in the Countie of Westmeath gentleman: But the most part thereof were taken away from him by 3 Captaines of <A> the Tirrells of ffertullow 2 of whose names are Edward & John one of them being sonn to one Morrice Tirrell often subsheriff of westmeath, & their Companies & the Bremighams & their Companies & rebell souldjers whose names he cannott expresse: And this deponent hath lost in debts owing vnto him by those that are actors in theis present Rebellion vizt Hugh ô Daly of Annyglew farmer Hughe dooe of Annyglew farmer both of the County aforesaid and by others that are robbed and by the Rebellion disabled to make satisfaccion The some of fowrscore and eight pownds: & the rebells tooke from him in ready mony xx s. And this deponent is by the Rebells alsoe expelled from & deprived of his farme & howses now esteemed to bee worth nothing vnto him But before the Rebellion worth ffiftie pownds which he accompteth vtterly lost Soe as this deponents losse ac by meanes of the Rebellion amounteth in all vnto the sume of fowre hundreth threescore & five powndes ster And further sayth that Sir George <B> Harbert of dorrough in the Kings Countie of Westmeath Knight Hath ordinarily releeved and harbored Rebells & att his howse and hath given and payd vnto them (for

fol. 20v

(written upside down)
manteinance of them and the warrs of the Rebells) corne <A> money & provition monthly and that ffrancis Harbert his sonn and heir [ ] and hath & Edward his yonger sonn are since beene beene a Captaines of a Companys of Rebells: & have done divers outrages & mischeiffs vpon and against the protestants And that Mr Thomas Tirrell of Kilbride Esquire a Lawyere & John Dillon of streamstowne esquire another Lawyere both of the Countie of Westmeath are and have beene from tyme to tyme ayders abettors & advisers to the Rebells in in the pursueing and acting of the presente Rebellion & have ordinarily releeved and harboured the Rebells And further saith That John Briscoe of Shraghycarne in the Kinges Countie gent thelder is and hath beene an ordinary Receiver of goods stollen & taken away by Andrew <B> & John his sonns & other Rebells from thenglish protestants And that the parties hereafter named have carried armes with & for the Rebells & have assisted them against the protestants & have done divers owtrages vizt John Mc Donell of the Clary in ffoxes Cuntrie, and dominick Higgin of Ballementane both of the Barrony of Kilcoursie & kings <C> Countie Art of ô Moley late of Tulloghmore and now of Raleine in the Kings Countie Esquire Collonell of the Rebells Neile ô Moley of Pallis in the Kinges Countie Esquire whoe was one of the first that forcibly in the tyme of this Rebellion tooke away the lord lamberts Cattle, & that all the rest of the parties named for Rebells in the deposicion of John Adis gente this deponents fatherinlaw formerly taken and deposed vnto & which hath beene now redd vnto him this deponent are all notorious Rebells for the cawses by his said fatherinlaw therein expressed
signum Johannis Stroughan
<Jur mr sterne
mr Aldrich
mr watson
mr Brereton>
Jur xjo Julij 1642
Will: Aldrich Joh Watson:
Hen: Brereton.

Deponent Fullname: John Stroughan
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Gentleman
Deponent County of Residence: Westmeath
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: * Tirrell, Edward Tirrell, John Tirrell, * Bremighams, Hugh Daly, Hughe dooe, George Harbert, ffrancis Harbert, Edward *, Thomas Tirrell, John Dillon, John Briscoe, Andrew *, John *, John Mc Donell, dominick Higgin, Art Moley, Neile Moley, John Adis, Morrice Tirrell
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Mentioned, Mentioned