Examination of Joane Greete and Phillice Blake
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fol. 272r
The Joynt Examinations of Joane Greete & Phillice Blake both liuing in Clonmull taken the 25th of August 1652
The Examinetts Sworne & Examined sayth they weare both inhabitanc of Cullin in the County of tipperary before and att the breaking out of the rebelion in yeare 1641 and that about the midell of Desember 1641 theyr was warning sent to the English by Turlo mc Bryo{n} of Castelltowne in the Barrony of Conagh in the County of tipperary to make all the haste they Coulld into the Castell for that the Enenimy wolld Com shortly & plunder the town, which thes Examinants & the rest of the English did forthwith, & that within les then a munth after Cristmas theyr appeared before the Castell of Cullin aforesaid the lo: Burke of Castellconell with his party, and beseaged the Castell of Cullin aforesaid and that theyr was in the Castell about Eleuen score of men women & Chilldren and further sayth that the Enimy throgh the tediousnes of the seige drew of from the place in July following leauing Som gards att distance & that on the thirtieth of whereby the beseiged had the opertunity to fech in som of theyr Corn then groing in the felldes adJoyning which they did the thirtieth of July aforesaid but a attempting the like two days after vide the first of August the Enimy fell on them & Killed thirty fiue men women & Chilldren & wounded sixtenn or Seuenten Leaueing them as dead [own?] the Place as they Supposed who Recouering returned into the Castell of whom
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whom own of the women aforesaid had thirty fiue woundes, for thes Deponents further sayth that During the said Seige som in the Castell Desiring tobaco & speaking to one mrs Jones did speake from of the walls to one that had bin som times her seruant that they myght haue a littell tobaco for theyr mony which he promised to do, it being withall promised by the Enimy that whosoeuer were so sent forth sholld return saife wherevppon theyr was a Chilld sent forth which was about Seuen yeares oulld named Rallphit being hoped they wolld not wrong or hurt a Chilld, but Contrary to theyr promises they most perfidiusly seased one the sayd Chilld & a Preist beging his life asked the Chilld if he wolld turn to mas and be his boy and he wolld saue his life but too which the Chilld answeared that he wolld not turn to mas wherevppon they [ ] he was then Murthered and Cast on a dungell of which partickeler thes Deponents & many others were Credibelly informed by the Irish them selfes selues who were present att the acction and relatted itt som with admiration other gearingly the obstinancy of the said Chilld, thes Examinants being questioned Conserning the persons who Murthered the said Chilld and those before mentioned they answeare they Know not theyr naimes haueing now forgoten them and further say not,
her marke
Phillice [mark] Blake
her marke
Joane [mark] Greete
Depossed before
Hen: Jones
fol. 273r
fol. 273v
761XXX County Tipperary
The Examination of
Joane Greete & Phillice
Blake of Clonmell
august the 25th
Cullin Murther