Deposition of Solomon Morgan
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 06:33 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 24r
799The deposicion of Solomon Morgan clerk vicar of Portieshangan in the countie of weastmeath deliuered vpon his oath befor vs the 6th day of July 1642 Sworne & examinedffirst he deposeth & sayeth that the next wensday (after that the Lord mc Gwyr attempted to take his maiesties castell of Dublyn) a great company of Rebells (about midday) forcibly entered your [ petn ] the deponents house & then and ther violently carried away all such houshoulde stuff corn{e} wool & books writtings and all other things that th{ey} conveniently could carry away with theme the deponent himself nor his wife being not then at home, by reason wherof the deponent knoweth not the names of any of the sayd rebells but was tould that they were out of the Bie{ } & the barony of ffowre & that one Garrald nugent that then liued in the barony of delvyn was in company with theme & further deposeth that one Robert boy nuge{nt} <A> of Edmondstoun with some other in his company caried aw{ay} 4 head of your the deponents cowes and did kill & [ ] [ ] the same to his own vse & one James Darsy of Pristewy{ } in the parish of Ruthwye Killd 2 more of your the deponents cowes in his the said darcies own house & your the deponents bull was killed in Edmonstown by some of your the deponents neighbours whose names the knoweth not and the rest of the deponents cattell as sheep gorrens horses & swyn wer at seuerall times forceibly taken away from the dep{onent} by the his Rebellious neighbours with his corne threshed & vnthres{hed} <122 li.> in all to the value of 122 li. ster at the least with { } And besides he was deprived of the losse of his churchliving being 50 li. per annum And this deponent as for other outrages, bloodsheading & murthers comytted in the sayd countie of weastmeath the depo{nent} (begining with that comitted & done against to himself) sayeth that about the begining of ffebruary last, he the s{aid} deponent together with his wife & children being ab{out} midnight in the deponents one stabl fast asleep in a { } of hay (they formerly being deprived of all thir beding & violen{tly} keept out of their own dwelling house by one <B> { } 3 or ffo{wer}
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of the sayd Rebblls rebells forcibly entered into the sayd stabl, & the deponent sudenly starting vpe, with the noyse mett the sayd Rebells in the face whoe with their naked weapons layed at the deponent soe thick & famously that the deponent receaved the blowes one his armes for the in saving defence of his head vntill his left arme was broken in the bon & hee ther sore wounded, then he receaued seuerall blowes in the head, was therwith fallen down to the ground & left for dead of which wounds your the deponent layed languishing for a long time but who [ ] these rebells wer this deponent knoweth not, but that he was tould that they were sett one by the said Thomas Nugent, to deprive <A> me my him his wife & their children of their liues,
And further the sayd deponent sayeth that about the midle of the last march a great company of the sayd rebells being vnder the comand (as he was informed) of one captayn Dwigne from [dreregen] who sett one fire the houses of Doctear Donellan & Justice Donellan with their hagard of corne, one of whose souldiers or liftenante they termd hime with a ne English sheepherd of Justice meetinge with meeting a poor English man (whoe keapt the sayd Justice Donellan his sheep) whoe imediatly deprived the sayd sheepherd of his life without any provocacion or couller of offenc given vnto hime, but only that becawse he was ane English man & since the begining of this summer a poore English man that begged from door to door was murthered neer Ruffarme by <3> often a souldier of captayn darsy son to Robert darsy of Ruttyn
And this deponent further saith as for the comanders & cheeftaynes of the rebells within the countie of weastmeathe this deponent sayeth That one Robert Nugent of Carlanstown is their cheef comander whome they call their governour of the Rebells within the county of westmeath at whose beck all the rest must obay whoe By vertue of whose warrant seuerall hevy imposicions and levies wer taken vpe in the countie & deliuered to his hands to be imployed to the vse of the rest of the sayd rebells Sir James Dyllon knighte likewise hath great comand <C> with them Christopher fitz garrald the lawer is a coronell & captayn Tyrell [ ] of ffertyllagh ane other Coronell 2 of the Daltons captayns mr Nugent of Dynewr his {e}ldest son captayn John oge ffoxe captayn { } boy
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& met captayn with some others which the deponent knoweth not, and further deposeth not
Solomon Morgan cler{k}
Jurat 6o Julij 1642
John Sterne:
Will: Aldrich
fol. 25v
Westmeath O
Solomon Morgan Clark
Jur 7o Julij 1642
Cert fact
27 oct