Deposition of William Burnham
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 05:24 PM
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fol. 35r
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William Burnham of Crogh in the Baronye of ffermoy and within the Countie of Corke gent in the County of Corke gent (a brittish protestant) duely <A> sworne and examined before vs by vertue of &c deposeth and saieth that on or aboute the first day of Januarie last hee was robbed and forceably dispoiled of his goods and Chattles to the seuerall values followinge v izt value of 2248 li. sterling part consisting Of Cattell as Cowes oxen hiefe r s he ffers steeres yearlinings and bulls to the value of fiue hundred and sixtie seauen pounds sterlinge Of horsses Mares coults and swine to the value of one hundred pounds ster Of Implements of husbandry to the value of six pounds sterlinge of sheepe to the value of six hundred fower skore and fiue pounds ster Of Corne and hay to the value of fortty skore fower skore pounds sterlinge He further saieth that hee was dispossessed of his farme of Crogh in the parish of Downe Raile Barony of ff e rmoy and Countie of Corke woorth Coibus anis fiftie pounds aboue the landlords rent wherein hee had a lease improued of twentie eight yeares to come which hee valueth to bee worth fiue hundred pounds ster Hee likewise saieth that hee was dispossessed of a farme called Balltydonell in the parish of Cahir Dugane Barony of ff e rmoy and Countie of Corke worth Coibus anis fiftie pounds aboue the landlords rent wherein hee had a lease of eight yeares to come which hee valueth to bee worth a hundred and sixtie pounds s ter, likewise a lease of a farm e called Ballykiltinary in the parish of Balliclogh Barrony of ff Orery and Countie of Corke worth Coibus anis fifteene pounds aboue the landlords rent weherein hee had a lease of fifteene yeares to come which hee valueth to bee worth Three skore pounds ster Another lease of Ballynagaragh in the Barony of ffermoy and Countie of Corke worth Coibus anis tenn pounds sterlinge aboue the landlords Rent wherein hee had a lease of twentie eight yeares to come which hee valued to bee worth fiftie pounds Of Debts which this deponent accounted good debts before this rebellion beinge fforty pounds ster due on one Owen mc Shane of Crogh in the parish of Downe Raile [ ] Barrony of ffermoy and Countie of Corke now in actuall rebbellion The totall amounts to the sume of two thousand two hundred ffortie and eight pounds sterlinge further hee cannott depose
William Burnham
Jurat coram nobis 28 May
Phil: Bisse
Ric: Williamson
fol. 35v
505 495
The examination of
William Burneham