Deposition of William Weldon
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 02:01 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 46r
William Weldon Esquire late of NewRosse in the County of wexfoord beinge duely sworne before vs deposeth that he hath lost since the second of Nouember 1641 by the Irish Rebbells these seuerall [ ] parcels of his goods as followeth vizt.
In the County of wexfoord li. s. d.
In lands of Inheritance per Annum ------------------- 10-00-00
In plate and goods in the same to
the vallue of ----------------------------------------------100-00-00
In the Countie of Kilkenny
In Cattle and Corne to the vallue ----------------------102-00-00
A lease of Lands in say yeelding
30 li. per annum for the tearme of 35
yeares -----------------------------------------------------200-00-00
Mortgadge of a Lease in Bally-
addin to the some of ------------------------------------020-00-00
Leases of Lands in Thomastowne
for which I payd 60 li. income, and
moreouer 150 li. in buildinge and
ditching which yeelded mee 29 li.
per annum the which I vallue att ----------------------200-00-00
fol. 46v
In debts in the Counties of Corke Kilkenny and wexfoord 186 li. 5 s.
Somm in toto818 li.-5 s.-00 d.
William Weldon
Deposed before vs March
8. 1641.
Hen: Jones
Joh Watson:
fol. 47r
fol. 47v
38 Wexford 0
William Welden Esquire 8o
Marcij 1641 [Schober] []
Cert f
2 no