Examination of David Barry

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=826032r030] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 03:24 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1652-09-10
Identifier: 826032r030


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Cork
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Multiple Killing, Words
Commissioners: Francis Wheeler, John Clarke, Peter Wallis
Deposition Transcription:

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David Barry, aged 30 years, liuing at Dunowen sworn and Examined saith Sept: 10th 1652
That he knew and saw Thomas Linscom his wife, his wiues sister, an old man servant and a man servant and that they Liued at Carry more, where the said Linscom had a house! in the first yeare & beginning of the Rebellion warre and the reason of their Liuing there, this Examinant saith was, for that they had the promise <A> of protection & safety from William ôg ô Hea and as this Examinant heard; Captain John Barry of Doundedee, likewise promised security to him! and about a fortnight quarter of yeare after that he comanded there among the said Irish, this Examinant saith <B> that John ô Hea & Loughlin ô Hart, & Donogh ô Mountaine, (with others whom he remembreth not) of the Barony of Ibaune, consulted to take the said Linscom away, out of his house and they came & broake vp the doore, & though this Examinant endeavored what he could to hinder, as by putting in a fouling peece through the window into the said Linscom that he might defend himselfe, yet they tooke him & carried away the said Linscom, and as he saith he thinkes they intended him a mischeife, But Captain John ô Barry and Edmund Barry this Examinant saith did send after him, & Captain Barry & caused him to be brought backe againe, so that he remained in his house a quarter of a yeare after (William ôg o Hea dwelling with him!) and after Clanikilty fight, the people fearing to dwell thereabouts, William ôg o Hea demanded of Captain Barry, what should he doe with <C> Linscom, who answered, doe with him what yow please! & this Examinant saieth that about a day or two after Daniell Sarsnee, & Charles ffylemy Sarsnee alias Carthy & John o Hea, with others Came & tooke the said Linscom out of his house Cabbin & all his family, and Carried them away to a wood, neere by & hangd Linscom & his wiues sister! but William ôg o Hea prevailed so that they hangd not the rest for that time, & this Examinant saith that William ôg ô Hea Conveyed Linscoms wife his maid servant & his manservant as ffarre as Timeleague Bridge, & this Examinant certainly heard that one Dominicke Skiddy & Dermond Nodoah followed them after they went from Timoleague Bridge towards

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<d> Kilbrittaine Castle, and seized vpon them and Brought them backe to Timoleague wood, & there hangd them.

Dauid Barry
Examined et Jurat coram nobis
John Clerke
ff: Wheeller
Peter Wallis

Deponent Fullname: David Barry
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent County of Residence: Cork
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Thomas Linscom, William , John Barry, Loughlin , Donogh , Edmund Barry, Daniell Sarsnee, ffylemy Sarsnee, John o Hea, Dominicke Skiddy, Dermond Nodoah
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Victim, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Denounced, Denounced