Deposition of Tobias Welshe
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 05:23 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 106r
Tobias Welshe of Downaraile in the Barony of ffermoye & County of Corke gentleman duelie Examined before vs by vertue of &c. deposeth & saith that since the beginninge of this instant Rebellion hee was Robbed & lost in goods & chattells to the value followeing. And also is like to loose in debts which is oweing vnto him by seuerall debtors which are impouerished who had their goods taken away by Rebells to the summe followinge whose names ensue. of 339 li.-10 s. Part consisting of debts.ffirst I had a Mare stollen away att Corke which worth 5 li. out of a Stable there by some Rebells. by whom he knoweth not.
It I had another Mare stollen or taken awaie att Downaraile butt I know nott by whom worth about 30 s.
Item I had three Cowes stollen away by Mr Richard Wall or his servants (as I conceiue) being in Rebellion. which my reason is to coniecture that they were taken by the said wall for that the said Wall his Cattell & cowes being afterwards seized vppon & taken away as Rebells goods by his Maiesties his Maiesties souldiers & brought to Downaraile, there was found one of this deponents said three Cowes, which he had restored vnto him againe. butt thother twoo are still detained & wanting worth heretofore six pounds
Item I had haue in debts oweing vnto mee from seuerall persons att the tyme of the beginning of this Rebellion, & before, & which is still oweing from seuerall Protestants who were esteemed rich & able men before this present Rebellion to the value of three hundred pounds sterling or therabouts. due by bills & bonds who are now impouerished, & the debts like to become desp erate are these Henrye Goswold Esquire ffrancis Percivall, Thomas Mansell, Thomas Marten William Burneham Jonas Smith, Edward Proctor (who was killed by the Rebells latelie in the Nort Castle att Mallowe) Robert Lewes & others.I hau e also oweing mee seuerall debts due from certaine persons who are now lately turned Rebells (as Itt is crediblie informed & reported) due [ ] due vppon bills bonds & execucions after Judgment had. are these vizt John Curt aine of the parishe of Castlemag nor in the county of Corke gentleman (who had [ ]to certaine howses in Downaraile which hee built there) owed mee vpon a Judgment & execucion granted out of the Presidenc i e Court of Mounster the summe of 14 li. odd money with costs & damages whereof I am paid 7 li. by Henry Pepper Tenant to the said Curtaine. Also there is [ ]0 li. due to mee by bill from one Donogh Garvan of the parish of Castlemagnor in the county of Corke gentleman who are all is also a Rebells (as i tt is Reported ) Also James Nagle of Rathe C ally in the same county gentleman who was killed lately being as a Rebell (as itt is reported) owed mee 10 li. by bill long since due. which amounteth in all 40- [ ] [
the summe of 339 li.- 10 s.
Tob: ]Tob: Welshe
Jurat coram nobis 27 Maij 1642
Tho: Bettesworth
Phil: Bisse
fol. 106v
fol. 107r