Deposition of Occar Butts

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 01:01 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-01-25
Identifier: 818055r084


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Wexford
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Arson, Assault, Rape, Robbery, Stripping, Words
Commissioners: Henry Brereton, John Watson
Deposition Transcription:

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Occar Butts Late of Bollganreagh, in the Parish of Killuren, in the Baron of Bantry in the Countie of Wexford gent: Beeinge dulye sworne before vs the Commissioners appointed in this behalfe, Saithe:
That vppon the xxiiijth daie of Nouember 1641: Hee was assaulted about the howre of one of the Clocke after midnight in his dwellinge house of Bolganreagh aforesaid, by the number of fowrteene persons or therabouts, Whoe with force and Armes, broake, and entered into this Deponents dwellinge house, and all other his houses or offices in the said Towne, where, then and there they rifeled and spoyled parte of his goods and householdstuffe, with Lynnen & wearinge apparrells, And stripped him and some of his familie naked, And often then threatned to Murther him this deponent and his wife, And also some of that Companye offered divers tymes, to violate and ravishe some of his Chilldren: (which god Almightie did not Permitt) The names of some of which Companie were as followeth: Vizt.
<A> Nicholas Haye Late of Lambstowne in the Parishe of Whitchurch [ ] Donnoh Roe of Killuren Curlucan and Cotner of the same, bothe of the Parish of Killuren abouesaid, and Tenants to Christopher Brookes of Horetowne esquire:
And one of the Rebells of the said Companie, beeing (as hee said) the Leader or Commaunder over them, spake these words, Vizt: That they had full Powre and Commission from their Generall, to Execute such and the like exploites against the Protestants, And that wee should haue noe Longer respite to remaine in this Kingdom then vntill the next daye followinge, And that then all Protestants should haue generall warninge to depart this Kingdome vppon paine of Death: And they then made question whether wee should bee permitted to Land in anye Part of England or noe: And that such straight Commission was graunted and sent over vnto their Generall by the Queene and some of the best nobilitie of England: And alsoe that they did not neere Execute towards vs Protestants, the tenour and rigour of their said Commission: Protestinge with great prophane Oathes, That they shewed much favoure vnto vs, And soe the saide Companye departed this Deponents house about twoe howres before daylight This

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This Deponent further saith: That on the same night, about halfe an howre before Sunn risinge, There came another great Companie, (to the number of Threescore persons or therabout) the most of them Armed with divers sortes of offensive weapons, Whoe in manner (as the former) forcibly assaulted & entered into his said dwellinge house, And then, and there in like manner spoyled and rifeled all this deponents goods and houshold stuff, And did strike, and beate him and his wife, with terrible threatninges to Murther them. And with their Skeanes & daggers, did Cutt, and rent his Bookes, and other Papers of moment, and them burned, Sayinge, That those Bookes were the Cause of your distruction: So that after such abuse and spoile made, the said Second Companie departed the house, takinge, and drivinge awaye with them this deponents stocke of Cattle, And beeing thus left in a most miserable & daungerous Case, and fearinge further presumptions against theire Lives were inforced for safetie to flye for Wexford.
And moreouer this Deponent further saith: That (as hee is credibly informed) The next daie after his saide flyinge from his dwelling house; One Christopher ffurlonge <A> of Davidstowne, in the parish of Whitchurch gent (Whoe having caused a great store of Pikes to bee made, by one Garret รด Clonye Carpinter, and headed by one Donnogha Smithe, and Tenant to Dudlye Colclough gent of the towne and Parish of Ballysheogg: Hee the said ffurlonge publiquely reporting that the said Pikes where made for the vse of the Lo: Esmond) ioyned himself with the said Traitors there in Action and diliuered vnto them the said Armed Pikes, for which service done vnto them, the said ffurlonge obtayned from Dermott Mc Dowlinge (Commaunder of that rebellious Armye) a Captaines Place, The which newe made Captaine <B> ffurlonge, came (in hostile manner) on the 26th of Nouember aforsaid, Accompanied with the number of about six score men, with Warrant from the said Dermott McDowlinge, to distroye this Deponents haggard of Corne, and to Possesse himself of his said Towne and Land of Bollganreah
Lastlie, this Deponent further saithe, That by the distruccion suffered by the said Traitors in takinge & destroying his horses, Cowes. Steeres, Sheepe, goates, Stocke of Bees, and honye

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and honye, with his Poultry, haggards of Corne, and his Corne readye threashed for Malting, and Malte readye made for Sale, togeather with his Ploughes, Harrowes, and necessaries his houshold stuffe, Vizt: Brasse, Pewter, Iron, Bedding with its furniture of all sorts, Wearing apperraile both Lynnen and Woollen, his Winter provision of meat & drinke, the devastation of all his houses, The ffyne and Income of his Land, with the ymprouement therof: His fallow ground ready ploughed and manured: This Deponent therby hath <600 li.> Lost, and is dampnified: in Six hundred pounds sterling: at the Least (besides the present and future misery of himselfe, Wife, and famylye.
This deponent Equally saithe, That hee is Credibly informed, That these vndernamed persons; (were amongst the rest) at the Robbing, Spoyling, receauinge, and Spennding of his aforesaid goods and houses Vizt:
<A> Capten Richard Christopher ffurlong of Davidstowne abousaid
William Furlong his brother of the same.
Walter Duffe Taylor of the same.
William mc Shane of the same.
James mc: Garrett of the same.
Art mc: Turloghe of the same.
John Furlong of Lambstowne.
Edmond mcDonnogh, and his wife of Ballyvulloge.
<B> John Synnot and his wife of Bollganreah.
The Widowe Furlong of Bragartowne, & her servants.
Onye Nye Garr, (widowe of Robert Haye of Cornwall with three other her brothers in Action, of the name of the Kavanaghs:
Ocher butts
Jurat Jan: 25to 1641.
Coram nobis Joh Watson:
Hen: Brereton

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Occar Butts: wexford
Jur 25o Jan 1641

Cert is made of his
losses dat 26. Jan
hand 24 no


Deponent Fullname: Occar Butts
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Gentleman
Deponent County of Residence: Wexford
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Garret , Donnogh *, Dudlye Colclough, Lo: Esmond, Nicholas Haye, Donnoh Roe, * Cotner, Dermott Mc Dowlinge, Christopher ffurlong, William Furlong, Walter Duffe, William mc Shane, James mc: Garrett, Art mc: Turloghe, John Furlong, Edmond mcDonnogh, John Synnot, Widowe Furlong, Ony Nye Garr, Christopher Brookes, Robert Haye
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Mentioned, Mentioned