Deposition of William Kinge
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 03:22 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 122r
William Kinge of the Cittie of Corke gentleman duelie sworne and examined before vs bye vertue of &c deposed saieth that by meanes of this Rebellion in Ireland hee lost and hath been Robbed and forceably dispoiled of his goods and Chattles by the Rebells in the saide Countie to the seuerall losses ffollowinge vizt value of 188 li.-16 s. sterling part consisting ofOf Cowes horsses and garrons to the value of thirtie seauen pounds sterlinge Hee likewise saieth that by meanes of this Rebellion hee lost one hundred fiftie and eight pounds ster due vppon Lawrence Griffens merchant Lustace ffalls Tanner John E llis merchant William Bolten Tanner Tho m a s Symes yeoman John Hannyvard timberman by bills beinge disabled protestants by meanes of this Rebellion as alsoe vpon debts due from Callaghane macDaniell nere Cargidrogh gent nowe in actuall Rebellion. The totall of his losses amounts to one hundred eighty eight pounds and thirteene shillings sterlinge. And further hee deposeth nott.
William King
Jurat coram nob: 7 9bris 1642
Phil: Bisse
Peirg: Banastir
Richard ffrench
fol. 122v
William Kings Examination
in their bundells