Deposition of Matthew Mudford
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 02:00 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 75r
970.Gyles Matthew Mudford late of Castle bridg in the parish of Arkullum in the Countey of wexford a souledier vnder the comand of Sir Arthur Loftis knighte: Sworn and examined saith that by Meanes of this present rebellion his brother Giles of the same towne was expelled depriued and lost the seuerall parcels here after Mentioned and expressed vi de
That the said Gyles matthew hath lost and beene dispoyled of a Stock of Cowes and horses consistinge of the Number of: 40:
English, Cowes and: 5: horses: the Cowes worth ------------100 li.
The horses worth -------------------------------------------------015
and haith alsoe lost in hay the worth of -----------------------005
And after the said Gyles matthew being Comanded vpon his Maiesties servis to the Cittey of Dublin: leaueinge his wife sister and brother to keepe his house: was stript of all his house hold goods to the worth of ------------------20 li.
All which Cowes horses and houshold goods was taken a way by Morris mcBrian of Castle Ellis in the County of wexford gentleman: <A> Garrett mc Danill of the parish of Carrick [ ] vnder sherife of the same Countey: william mc donoh of the parish of arkullum Edwerd keaton and Richard hayes servants to Sir Thomas Esmond of the parish or arcauen gentleman and Phelum mc Edmond of the same parish with diuers others all of the Countey of wexford: aboute the 12: or: 13: of November: 1641: and after his sister and brother beinge stipt repaired to wexford for releife went a shipp bord thinkinge to goe for England but were drowned within the harboure with maney other Englishe passingers
Some totall -------------------140 li.
Mathew Mudford
Jur 12 Marcij 1641
William Hitchcocke
Roger Puttocke
fol. 75v
fol. 76r
fol. 76v
39 Wexford.
Matthew Madford.
Jurat: Martij. 12o. 1641.
13 no