Deposition of William Annion
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 04:23 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 97r
William [Innon] Annion of the Cloanes in the County of wexford yeoman being sworne & examined before vs his maiesties Commissioners: and Allsoe hath taken his Corporall oath vpon the holy Euangelest dothe sayth that about the mid off of the mounth of nouember 1641 Luke Borne: of the Ranilaughes: gent and one of the Chife heads of the Rebells now in the County of Wickloe: with Richard Crom of Rill michell: in the County of wexford: Lawrence <A.> mc Art of Cowleroe an antient Rebell Walter mcArt of the same moylemore mc Art the same gent morgin Kauenaugh of Coulerane gent servant to Lieutenant Henry Maisterson Daniell mc Tegg and morthe mc Daniell both of the same Laborers: Edward White of Arckloe Sailor Pule Browne of the same sailor George Edwards saillor of the same Redmond mc Shane of the same mason Pearse Crom of the same Sailor: rebelliously tooke haue taken vp Armes: against his maiesties Crown <B.> and dignety: and came to the howse: and Lands of the aboue named William and tooke by violence all such goods and Chatells as hireafter follow herevnder specified li. s. d.first fowertine Einglish Cowes worth -------------------------035-00-00
Eight oxen very well worth -------------------------------------016-00-00
fiue horses: and mares worth ------------------------------------009-10-00
fower young Einglish beasts worth ----------------------------003-04-00
in Corne and heay to the full worth of ------------------------017-16-00
in redey quoyne with three silluer spowres -------------------017-00-00
in howsehould goods: with all our Clothes worth ----------016-00-00
in ship timber: yron and, other timber which was
loste in Arckloe to the full worth of --------------------------028-00-00
A lease which I he held from mr henrey mastersonand Called by the name of Cloanes: and whereof
thirtey yeares wer vnexpired at the Last may
and worth fortey shillinges a yeare ouer
and aboue the Landlords rent comes to -----------------------060-00-00
The whole som is ------------------------------202-10-00
And he deposeth that the Irish weomen of those Iles wer more <C> feirce & violent in robbing stripping & dispoyling of the English then the men Rebells, & that the said Rebells threatned this deponent if he stayed to hang hym att his doore & bad hym begone for besid for an English dog asking hym what busines he had to doe there. & also ther was by the Rebells taken away one bond of 16 li. owing by Thomas Annion this deponents brother which money was unpaid, & the Interest for three yeere due an other bill of v li. owing by william Lyddan of Charlton in Lancashire
Deposed July 23 1642
John Sterne.
Will: AldrichAnd this Deponent william Anion further saith that after the Rebellion was begun but & before this deponent was robbed by the Rebells: The said Lieutenant Henry
fol. 97v