Deposition of William Heynes
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:02 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 144r
William Heynes of Bandonbridge in the parish of Bally mudane barony of Kynelmeaky & within the County of Corke shoomaker (a brittish protestant) duely sworne & examined before vs by vertue &c. deposeth & saith. That on or aboute since the begining & by meanes of this presente rebellion in Ireland & was dispoyled of seuerall debtes amounting to the sume of thirtie pounds due from Charles mc Cartie of Castlemore in the said County gentleman Edmond mc swiny & Donell รด Reirdane of Mocrum in the said County gentleman ffynn Hangle neere Kilcrie in the said County gentleman William Barry neere Timolege in the said County gentleman & seuerall protestants dissenabled robbed by the rebells are indebted to this deponent in parte of the said sume But in regard the aboue parties are whoe are all nowe in rebellion & the protestants robbed by the rebells therefore this deponent canot gett satisfaction from them. The totall of his losses amounts to thirtie pounds, besides the losse of the beneffitt of his trade woorth to this deponent Communibus annis thirty pounds per annum or therab outes which is left to consideration. & further he deposeth not that aboute the 22th of 7ber last this deponent among others watching vpon the flankers of the Towne of Bandonbridge aforesaid, this deponent then sawe foure or fiue houses burneing neere the said Towne aboute Twelue a clock at night by meanes of the rebells but their names he knoweth not. & further he deposeth not:
William Haindes
Jurat coram nobis
22o 8bris 1642
Phil: Bisse Ro: southwell
fol. 144v
The examination
of William Heynes