Deposition of Richard Katerin
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:41 AM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 121r
Richard Katerin of Ballekilltege in the Countey of wexford yeomann being Examined before vs his maiesties commisioners: and alsoe hath taken his Corporall oath vpon the holy Euangelest d oth sayth that felim Keuenaugh: of Ballegrone in the Countey of Wickloe gent Patrick mc dermont of Ballekillteg yeoman Lawrence mc Art an antient antient Rebell of Coule Roe morgin mc Shane of Ballekillteg laborer William Bradley of the same laborer with their Confederates haue taken vp armes against his maiesties Crowne: and dignety and Came in rebellious manner to the howse of the aboue named Richard: about the midell of the mounth of nouember 1641: and tooke by violence all such goods and Chatells as hireafter followeth
first in a Lease of a howse with fower Cowes which I took
from mrs noris mulles widow: of Ballekilltegg
the lease: and Cowes with thire profit being myne
during thre yeares very well worth during the
abouesaid tim ouer and aboue the Landlords rent li. s. d.
yearely twentey six shillinges eight pence -----------------------------004-00-00
fower young bease worth -------------------------------------------------002-00-00
one horse worth ------------------------------------------------------------002-10-00
in garden stuf ---------------------------------------------------------------002-00-00
in howse hould stuf and wearing Clothes ------------------------------010-00-00
in Silluer which I left in my howse and doe thinke
verily is lost from mee and found by them ----------------------------001-00-00
in debts due due vnto mee from Garald mc Edmond
of newborow gent whoe is now in Rebellion -------------------------001-10-00
from John Dall of money tower gent -----------------------------------000-10-00
from Anthoney Keuenagh: of the Scarnaugh gent --------------------001-00-00
from Richard lann who is gon for Eingland
by reason of this rebellion and I like to loose my money ------------001-00-00
The whole som is ---------------------------------------025-10-00
The Marke of
Richard [mark] Katerin
Jurat 13o Julij coram nobis
Will Hitchcock
Edw Pigott
fol. 121v
Richard Katerin
sworne 13o Julij
1642fi Certificac Fact
Intr 16 No