List of rebels
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:41 AM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 122r
The neames {of} Rebells in the County of wexford as followeth and aproued by vs whose names are heire vnder subscribed
first Sir morgin keuenaugh knight of Balleaugteney
<A> frances grine of mellchogg gent
Thomas Grine of the same gent
Robeart Parterige: of the same gent
Eneas keuenaugh of molannogroth gent
Anthoney keuenaugh of the Scarnagh
felim Keuenaugh: of Ballenocron
Thomas Wafer of Ballelorken gent
<B> Adam Wafer of the Assk gent
John Ossbon of kill mc donough o Reugh
Wallter Pepor of killbrid gent
owen mc Chahire of Balleleskey freehoulder
John mc James of naeborow gent
Edmond Bann of the same Shopkeeper
<C> John storey of the same dyer
Stiuen Roch of the sam bucher
Garrald mc Edmond of the sam gent
Art mc dermont ower of the same gent
Allixander mastersonn: of ould court gent
<D> Eneas kinselaugh of Ballen o Cargey freehoulder
Dauid forloung of Balle wallter laborer
Griffin ogge of the sam laborer
William Talbott of the midell Rahin gent
morgin keuenaugh of BallenCash
John Essmond of Corcannan gent
<E> nicolas mc Garard of fortchichester Laborer
deposed by Thomas Ricroft Robert Berchall & william leigh & theis names must be added to euery of their deposicions they being all taken of the same Countie
fol. 122v
Cert for all theis