Deposition of Thomas Ricroft
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:41 AM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 124r
Thomas Ricroft of Ballewalter in the County of wexford freemasonn: being sworne examined before vs and allsoe hath taken his corporall oath on the holy Euangeles: doth sayth that in the begining of the presente Rebellion mr Thomas mastersonn of Cranocrinaght gent of the aboue named County: Anthoney Keuenugh of Bollenrudey <A> gent Donnough mc Shane of BalleTegg yeoman Bryen mc Shann of Ballenokilley Redmond mc Shann of Balletegg Anthoney mc Shann of Crondonill gentellmen James mc Cahier of Parkeneshog gent Tegg mc dauid of Ballenogam gent: Owen o Kinsilaugh: of Bollena Chahire ogge of Bollenohorney: gent Allixander Redmond alies <B> mc dauid of Cowllenocullin gent Danniell Keuenaugh of the sam gent: haue taken vp armes against his maiesties Crowne and dignity: and came in hostile manner to the howse of the aboue named Thomas Ricroft and tooke by violence: all such goods and Chatell as hireafter followeth are mencioned vizt
li. s. d.In primis in howse hould good Clothes Corne and heay valued at -030-00-
in garden stufe that is to say potatoes and all other kind with seuen score young apell tries all vallued --------------017-00-
of routes
one and twentey Einglish Cowes and a boll vallued at ---------------054-00-
fower young oxen vallued at ---------------------------------------------006-00
tenn young beasts vallued at ---------------------------------------------006-00
fower mares and one Coult vallued at ----------------------------------008-15
one Lease of a parcell of Land which I held from Sir
Wallsingham Cooke knigh: and for twentty and twoo
yeares vnexpired at the last may for which I refused -----------------012-00-
The totall losse [ ] is ---------------------------133-15-
& further sayth that Those rebells said publiquely that they wold not suffer english man woman or Child nor beast or dog of English breed, or any thing that was English to remayne aliue & before the faces of severall protestants burnt all the bibles they cold meete with saying w hat in disgrace & contempt of religion, what will yow doe now yor bibles are burnt, & all the weomen wer most mischeivous violent & cruell in expression of all hatred & practising all cruelty as robbing & stripping naked man & weomen of the distressed english, and the very Children of the Irish wer as forward to ther [power] as the men & weomen wer. & that the parties whom this deponent knoweth alsoe to be in Rebellion are those hereafter named & indorsed
The mark [mark] of Tho: Ricroft
Jurat xo Julij 1642
John Sterne Will: Hitchcock
Will: Aldrich Hen: Brereton
fol. 124v
fol. 124ar
fol. 124av
{ }
Thomas Rycroft
Jurat Julij 10. 1642.
Intw hand wbis 86