Examination of Nicholas Rochford
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fol. 138r
27th July 1642
Nichololas Rochford sworne & Examined Saith that the parties vndernamed were Captaines amongst the Rebells & Saith that [ ] that they were the ffirst in the Countie of Wexford [stet] who appeared to bee in this present rebellion Teige mc Connell with his Companie vizt Teige mc Connell Maurice mc Brian Arthur Synnot Edmund Synnot Bran mc hugh Ballagh John Deuereux and R{ichard} Deuereux of the Dips James Brian of the Shirr And that soone after certaine others of the gentry of the said Co{untie} declared themselues to ioyne in the said Rebellion vizt William Browne of Malrancan a Collonell amongst the Rebells Peirce Buttler of Clonskerrogh a Collen{ell} amongst the Rebells Nicholas Staffard of Ballmc chatharnye Gouernour John Rosseter of Rathmcuchney Captaine Robert Synnot of Ballyarran Captaine Phillipp Lamport of Ballyewre Captaine John Stafford of BallyConnorell Captaine James Codd of Cleest Captaine Robert Hay of Tacomshaw Captaine Peter Esmond of Johnston Captaine Anthony Hore of Harperstowne Captaine christofer ffurlong Captaine John Coklough of Polderge Captaine Doudly Cokley of the Dufferny Captaine John Deuereux of the parish of Tumhugger Captain Arthur ketin of of kilkavan Captaine Luke keytin Eldest sonne of the said Arthur Captaine William Sutton of Ballykerragan Captaine James Downes Captaines Edward Synnot of Tommacderne Thom: Codd of Ballymoony & Sir Morgan Cavanagh Collonell And this Examinant
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further saith that within few daies after the aforesaid gentleman had declared themselues soe in rebellion The townesmen of wexford ioyned themselues likewise vnto the said rebells & made Captaines among themselues of the seue to comand the seuerall Inhabitants within the seuerall parishes of the said Towne [ ] And for that purpose Martin White was appointed and tooke vpon him to be Captaine of the Inhabitants within the parishes of St Maries & Saint Tullaghes parish Patrick ffrench to bee Captaine of St Patricks Parish Nich: Hey to bee Captaine of St James Ibories Nich: Cheeuers Maior to bee Captaine of Selskarr parish Rich: Sta{ffor}d ffitz Richard tooke vpon him the Gouernment of his Maiesties Castle in the said Towne And the men vnder the Command of the said Captaines amounte{d} vnto 800 men The said Captaines and Townesmen haue made a trench round about [ ] the said Towne without the wall 8 foote deepe and 24 foot broad They haue Likewise cleered the whole wall within side for 8 foot from all houses and Pales They haue alsoe pitched great Timbers from the ferry banck Southward vnto the Pale key and thence west wards vnto the side of the Channell And further they haue sunck on the side of the Channell & within the Timbers a good shipp with her Sterne to the towne with her Misson mast standing for the tyme tying of the seaboard end of certaine Chaines The other end is to bee brought to a great Capestone by the ffort vpon the Pale key The said inhabitants haue likewise chained together 9 long Mastes They haue placed vnder on the ffort 4 peices of Ordinances of about 6 foot long taken out of a shipp and a brasse ffeild peice of of 9 foot
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long which they brought from the Castle of ffernes This Examinant alsoe saith that an English shipp bound for Dublin & loaden with wheat butter & Cheese miscarried against the Land of the Bannor in which shipp there were 5 Iron peices of 9 foot long & 2 barrells of powder The said powder was deteyned by the Inhabitants of the Country but the peices were sent vnto Wexford to bee placed vpon the Walls This Examinant also saith that Mr ffrancis Talbott Mr Henry Masterson and one Donnogh Connors Clerke were restrained by the Townesmen because the said parties would not ioyne with them nor turne to Masse And that the said Connor was committed by them vnto the Castle of Wexford for 14 weekees together fethered both night & day with a pair of bolts of 16 li. waight And further saith that the said 3 parties were all [ ] about 3 weekes since sent from the said Towne of Wexford vnto Kilkenny And for that purpose they were deliuered ouer vnto Mr Walter Roch of Newcastle Marshall among the Rebells for the County of Wexford And that the said Roch was directed to carry the said Talbott Masterson and Connor vnto Kilkenny theire to bee tried for theire liues And lastly this Examinant alsoe saith that all the Captaines and Officers aboue named with diuerse others haue taken an oath before Sir Nicholas ffrench Preist & Sir William Deuereux Viccarr Gennerall that they shall suffer noe English or Protestants to liue in this kingdome or beare any office heere noe not soe much as a Petty Cunstables plac e And this Examinant alsoe saith that by the gentlemen of the County & Towne of Wexford there were certaine Officers made
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and appointed for the keepeing of a Geale deliuery who likewise held Assizes & Sessions vizt Marcus Cheevers was appointed Cheife Justice & Richard Wadding second Justice And att theire sitting fiue ffryers and Pr of the Popish Clergie ioyned with them vizt vizt two Jesuitts two preists & a ffryer vizt Lawrance Rochfort & Oliuer Eustace Jesuitts Sir William Deuereux and Sir Nicholas ffrench Preists & Richard Synnot a ffryer And this Examinant saith that the said parties gaue Judgement of death vpon a woman and a boy whom they repriued And likewise saith that the Popish Clergie thereabouts are all of them invested in the Church Liueings of the said County & possesse the houses formerly enioyed by the protestant Clergie And further saith that there is a Councell established erected in the said Towne of Wexford of the gent of the said County & towne consisting of 24 in number who sitt once a weeke and vpon some occasions a whole weeke together which said Councell heare and decide all civill caues and advise and resolve of all particulers concerning the said County & Town The names of such of the said Councellors which hee for the present rembers are William Hore of Harperstowne William Esmond of Johnstowne Marcus Esmund of Rathlunnan John Stafford of Ballyconnor Thomas Harpoole of Ballygillan Edmund Synnot of Oldlort Bran mc Eva Hughballagh Edward Synnot of Ballyarrall Pierce Synnot of Coraabrede Patrick ffrench Alderman of the Towne of Wexford William Rochford of the same Alderman Martin White of the same Aldermen & John White of the same Alderman & William Clerke of the Stafford of Wexford formerly Clerke of the Crowne for the said Towne and Countie
Nicholas Rochford
Rob Meredith