Deposition of John Wetton
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:41 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 140r
John Wetton of Muckojle in the County of Wexford gent swo aged 39 yeres or thereabouts sworne & examined deposeth and sayth That since the begining of the present Rebellion vizt about the vjth of November 1643 1641 Hee this deponent att Muckoyle aforesaid & oth at Melchoge in the same County was by force and armes deprived robbed an or otherwise dispojled of his goods chattells & meanes of the value and to his present Losse of Cx li. ster Besides his practice and imployment of a Surveyor which before the Rebellion was worth vnto him 30 li. per annum communibus annis whereof hee accompteth 3 yeres proffit to be lost and he is like to loose and be depriued of the future benefite & proffits thereof vntill a peace be established, And further saith That the principall Rebells that robbed and soe depriued him as aforesaid were Lawrence mc Carty if nere Ballikilty in or nere the County of Wexford & a great company of wicked irish Rebells comanded by him, whose names he cannot expresse
<mr J mr B
200 li.
30 li. per annum>
John wetton
Jur 8 Jan. 1643.
Hen: Jones
Hen: Brereton
fol. 140v
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John wetton Jur
viijo Jan: 1643
Intw 6 no