Examination of Teage Oge Duffe
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fol. 84r
The Examinacion of Teage Oge Duffe alias McCallaghan a prisoner taken before vs nou: 26: 1652
Who saith that in maye 1643 a party of the English haueing taken a prey of cattle taken from the barony <A> of Muskry Hee went out to follow and rescue the prey being in company at first onely with one John McWilliam but soone after left him and mett with owen mc Coningham and one Donogh ô Hea; and they 3 being together espied a Man two men whom they tooke to be english, one vpon the a Dun horse theother vpon a blacke; and making towards them that Examinante perceaued that the dun horse was tired and the rider one foot, who ther vpon made towards, the said Dun horse & the said Coningham and ô Hea made to the blacke horse, this examinate Carring a sword and pike & the said Coningham carring a Carbine & sword & after and this examinate came to the said dun horse and tooke off the saddle and hid it in a ditche and then went to the man which was Christopher Colethurst, and said to him come with mee & finding him vnarmed laid hands vpon him, Intending to bring him to this Examinates house or to Maccromp; after which speeches sed, there came instantly Edmund Conelan and John Crimin [ ] which Edmund ô Conelan was the head Tenant of that lands where they then stood, and the said Edmund Conelon knowing this examinante said Teage, doe you meane to spare this man that hath preyed and killed our men; and with a short pike offred to thrust vnder at the said Colethurst; wherevpon this examinante said giue order; and instantly rane in Danneill mc Owen and said Cosen Teage will you spare this man who this Is the third time men he hath preyed and plundered our barony wherunto this examinant answererd
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that Hee knew no hurt he had done he was his prisoner & found him vnarmed & had giuen him quarter but suddenly the said Daneill mc <B> Owen strucke at the said Colethurst with his sword vpon the head and felld him to the ground; and then either the said John Crimin Daniell or ô Conelan gaue him the said Colethurst a thurst with a pike sword and so kild him right out, but which of them it was he doth not entirely knowe his bulke being towards them; And saith that Hee did not see Cunningham of in sixe weekes after any more that daye nor within many weekes after; And further saith that about 4 months after this Examinante told the Lo: of Muskry of his murder and <C> or the killing of the said Colethurst, and that Daniell mc Owen Carty kept awaye the horse and saddle from this Examinante but this Examinante could not preuaile to gett the same And further saith not, but that He was Constable of the Barony that yeere.
Teige oge mcCallaghane
John Cooke
ff: Wheeller
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The [ ]
Examination of
Teage Duffe
The Exam
of Tege oge Duf{}Callaghan
the murd{er}
Christopher { }