Deposition of Minard Christian

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:53 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-12-24
Identifier: 820012r010


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Waterford
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Death, Robbery, Stripping, Words, Lost By Debts
Commissioners: Henry Brereton, William Aldrich
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 12r

Minard Christian gent Comptroller of the Customes of the {County?} and Citty of Waterford sworne & examined sajth That since the beg{ining} of the present Rebellion and vizt in ffebruary last 1641 th{is} deponent was by the Rebells hereafter mencioned deprived expel{ed} & dispoyled of the possession Rentes perquisitts & proffitts of his said office & of his fowre farmes called Whitfeilde towne Shingana Garran Crobally and Ballinaten within the Cou{nty} of Waterford worth when the Rebellion began the value of 300{li.} ster clerely per annum & of one yeres proffitt whereof is already lost one yeres proffitt & he is lyke to loose the future proffi{tt} thereof vntill a peace be established And further saj{th} That he was by the Rebells alsoe deprived and Robbed of his beastes Cattle horses sheepe Corne hay plate Houshold stu{ffe} debtes ready mony implementes of husbandry & other his goodes & meanes amounting to the some of twoe thowsand nyne hund{red} sixtie six powndes more: Soe that his present losses (besides the future) amount vnto the some of three thowsand twoe hundreth sixty six powndes ster And saith that the parties Rebells that soe robbed and dispojled him are theis that foll{ow} <A> vizt John Poore of Kilmeyden Esquire Nicholas Madden of Downin{g} gent both of the County of Waterford Jasper Grant of neere Whitfeildstowne but in the County of Kilkenny Esquire ffrancis Wyse of Waterford Esquire John Bryver of the Garrin in the County of Waterford gent John Baily of Waterford Merchant and Georg{e} <B> Skiddy of Waterford Merchant Andrew Morgan of the same Merchant a bloudy villanous Rebell that endeavoured to take aw{ay} the deponentes liffe) Garrett Lincolne of the same Merchant & divers oth{ers} whose names he cannott Remember And further saith that about the fift of ffebruary last the number of 120 english protestantes whoe were formerly robbed of all their meanes saveing a few poore clothes fledd to the Cittie of Waterford for releefe and saffty of their lives but were suddenly by the Rebells turnd out of that towne & as suddenly as they went away were stript stark naked: soe that some of them dyed vnder hedges of mere coald and hunger & the rest being shipped for England & being by contrary wynd driven to yoghall: & there entertained by the Earle of Corke: after they came to eate good meate, the most of them there dyed
Minard Christian
{ }
<Jur 24o {Dec} 1642 Will: {Aldric}h Hen: Brereton>
<{ }[rich] { }[reton]>

fol. 12v

{ } {a}ddition to his former examinacion further saith vpon his oath, That since the begining of the present Rebellion and by meanes thereof he hath bin Robbed & dispojled of sea at sea of soe much goodes and chattells as were worth 90 li. sterling One hundred powndes sterling, And further saith tha{t} this deponent hath bin credibly informed by John Sanderton of the Citty of Dublin a protestant whom the Irish at Waterford kept and deteined with them at Waterford vntill the Cessacion of Armes proclaimed That such was the Inhumanity & mallice that the popish preistes there bore vnto the protestantes that they would not suffer one John Collins (a man of good repute and value & one that had lived and {borne} offics in that Citty 27 yeres & was a freeman & after Mr of the Company of shoomakers) to bee buried either in Church or Churchard, But one of those <A> Preistes named father James Baron said (amongst many other malicious expressions against the protestantes said) said theis wordes D to some of the fre{inds} of the said John Collins that desired he might have Christian buriall theis wordes vizt Doe you thinck that the stincking Carcasse of an heret{ick} shalbe intermixt with the mouldes that a Catholique pays Rent Rent for, (meaneing the moulds of an old church yard without the towne the grasse whereof was letten to one John รด Brian a papist: And saith that the papist viccar generall there gaue Comand that noe Romish Catholique should goe to the buriall of the said John Collins vpon paine of present excomunicacion but & directed that his corpses should bee buried in the slyme or mudd of the Sea
Minard Christian
Jur pront interius
patet coram Willo
Aldrich & Hen: Brereton

To my most worthy frend Mr Henry Jones Doctor in Divinity & at the signe of the gun nere the sh[ ] [ ] church greater London these

Minard Christian Jur
24o dec 1642
Intw Cert fact
hand w


Deponent Fullname: Minard Christian
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Comptroller of the Customs
Deponent County of Residence: Waterford
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: John Poore, Nicholas Madden, Jasper Grant, ffrancis Wyse, John Bryver, John Baily, Georg{e} Skiddy, Andrew Morgan, Garrett Lincolne, James Baron, John Sanderton, John Collins, Earle of Corke, John , Henry Jones
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Witness, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned