Deposition of William Fytton
[] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 09:39 AM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 310r
<symbol> William Fytton of the Mannor of Anye in the County of Lymerick Esquire being sworne and examined sayeth that since the begining of the late presente Rebellion in Ireland hee hath bin depriued Robbed or otherwise dispoyled of his estate meanes goods & Chattles Consistinge of Cattle Horses sheepe Corne, Haye debts leases money howshould goods & other goods and Chattles of the vallue & to the his loss of one thowsand Eight hundred twenty & two poundes or thereabouttes, Besides his fee simple of lands and right of Inherrittance, being worth at the least Eight hundred poundes per annum & alsoe besides his clayme & right of Inherrittance of a farr greater vallue fallen vnto him of right by this late Rebellion which was granted to his predicessors by the late Queene Elizabeth of famous memory by the Ensueinge parties following as alsoe by diuerse others whome This Examynant knoweth not
<A> William Lo: Barron of Castleconnell and his followers
William Bourke, the lo: of Brittas
<Com Lymerick>his sonne & his followers
Captain Edmond ffox & his followers
Captain Baggott & his followers
Mawrice Rawly of Rawlistone gen & his followers
<B> Teige รด Grady late Chancellor of Emly Clerke & his followers
William Baggott of Ballanlee of gen
John Baggott of Rah e ene Gormanstowne gent
Robert freeman, gent
Garrett Marshell of Cloghabitter gen with diuerse others
fol. 310v
<A> This Examynant further sayeth That The lord Bourk of Castleconell sent his Marshall vnto this deponent to desire him to take vpp Armes & Joyne with him in his Designe, And hee would highly prefer him to greate offices in as great degree as himselfe was in that designe; And that The ffreeholders of the Mannor Any aforesaid being many in nomber came to this Examynant hee being then lord of the Mannor & in the Mannor Castle And tould him, That if hee did not rise & doe as they and their e Confederates did they would vtterly renounce him, for theire protector or lord of the Mannor, and chuse another in his place This deponent likewise sayeth That being in Comunicacion <B> with one Robert freeman gent he asked the said freeman what the intencons of the Irish nation were to take vpp Armes against his Maiestie & his leige people in that manner as they did The said freman made & in answere vnto this deponent & saide with vowes & protestatacons that it was the Irish intencons to haue a free state of themselues as they had in Holland, and not to bee tyde vnto any Kinge or Prince whatsoeuer This Examynant further sayeth that hee hearde diuers saye & reporte That the lo: of Castleconell sent vnto the Mayor of Lymerick Peirce Creagh by name to send vnto the Iland, called by the name of Kinges Iland owt of the Citty gates all the English that hee with his followers might butcher them & putt them to the sword; But The said Mayor made Answere and said That duringe his tyme of Meralty There should none of them suffer accordinge to his lordships desire
fol. 311r
This Examynant alsoe sayeth That in the tyme of one <A> ffaninges beinge Mayor of Lymerick that hee heard That there were diuers & sundrey of the English subjects That were cast of over the bridg of Lymerick and drowned
And lastlie This deponent sayeth that after hee had kept his Castle for the space of a yeare and above fower Monthes hee was sent vnto by diuers to ey either Joyne with them in the Irish designes or otherwise they would fire his Castle & putt him & his as many of his familly being as were all English to the sworde (and to that end one Mourice Bogott whoe a s he said was sent by the lord of Muskree <B> to exhort this deponent to Joine with them) otherwise [ ] hee would deale with him this deponent and his family with the sword as he did with the rest of the English where vpon this deponent being soe threatened sent to officers with diuers others with them to putt the same in Execucon as alsoe with his warrant But this deponent havinge private notice of theire cominge hee being weake, And not able to withstand his greate forces, And beinge farr from Releife of any English garrison fledd with his wife children & familly away by night & gott to the lo: of Thomonds at a place called Bunratty where hee remained till he was with his familly safely conducted, vnto his Maiesties forces at Corke, And further for the present this Deponent cannott depose
<Mr A: Mr B>
Will: ffytton
Jur viijo July 1643
Hen: Brereton
Will: Aldrich
fol. 311v
William Fytton Jur
viijo July 1643
hand wIntCf