Deposition of Joseph Hampton
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:00 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 138r
23A note of the losses of Joseph Hampton of Clanbowe in the County of Galway gent aged about 58 yeres sworne saith That in the begining of the present rebellion in the yeare 1641 He this deponent at Clanbow aforesaid was forcibly deprived robbed and dispoyled of A lease of the Castle and fiue quarters of land of Clanbowe for and during the naturall life of his two sonnes John & Joseph Hampton or the longer liuer and to the Allhallantide next after their decease of the survi ver ffrom Sir Henrie linch Knight & barronet deceased Sir Robert Linch Knight & Barronet, & Dame Ellis his wife, & hir ffeeffees in trust where in builds vppe in the sayd Castle in makeing six great large houses barnes & stables with fenceing & planting and orchards garden ditches drayneinge fenceinge & makeinge two [ ] vppon the riuer & of his charges of fenceing impr o veing building and makeinge twentie Couple houses vppon the lands wherin he had tenants dwelling to his cost charges & losses of...........500 li. sterling
[fur]ther saith that about Christmas 1641 I the deponent was sent for by some of their Sir Robert Linch his tenants 2 miles from his house to drawe him forth of hisy Castle. when presentlie after came two of Sir Roberts boyes that I the deponent had brought vppe a long time: and desired hism y Daughters & seruants to oppen the Castle door which done they stayed in the door not suffering it to be shutt vntill <A> Capt Morris linch Sir Robert b rother Came accompanied with 18teene of Sir Roberts tennants & houshold seruants: [ ] came and tooke & kept the possession of the sayd Castle. w ith pillfering & stealeing awaye all that was in it. nothing but Calledge Calli nge for such meat & drinke as would please their humours or they would as they said string him & his [ ] family out at the Castle windowes. Thus they continewed a fortnight in stealeing eateing drinkeing & Robbeing vntill in the and end they left nothing for my the self deponent & hism y eight children but Contineweall feare & terror of their liues when came came Sir Robert linch & told me the deponent that if he would let him <B> haue all my his the deponents Corne abroad in stacke in and about the Castle which I he had beene carryeing it in two or three dayes (or did thinkeing to wall vpp the doares the next day before morris lunch came when I the deponent had gott in a good part of hism y Corne. but they prevented him) and all hismy corne in the barnes as his man would sett downe: he would Conduct him the deponent & his children safe to the fortt otherwise he would leaue me them to Mr <C> Riccard & Tho: Burckes mercielesse souldyers that had lien fiue dayes in wait for me the deponent vppon which rather then I the deponent would be a pray to them Hee was forced to lett him haue all hisy Corne (at his mans sayeing & price vizt for ix or tenne pounds to carry him awaye) that was worth aboue 100 Marke besides all [ ] readie to be sowen & some sowen & followes for wheate & Corne, & pease Readie to be sowen to the valewe of.........................................................................................................20 li. more
Besides 30
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(text, apart from page numbers, is upside down)
thirtie horses Mares and Colts & a saddle gelding worth 80 li. hey and turfe x li.: threescore head of English Cowes worth 140 li. thirty nyne horses for which the deponent recevd ij li. 10 s. where they were were worth 20 li., corne sowed 30 li. Householdstuff worth 50 li. and in mortgage money vpon Climlenan ffive Powndes His whole losse by meanes of the Rebellion amounting to nyne hundred and fiue powndes ster: And this deponent further sayth That Elizabeth Harding widow the relict of John Harding minister of Kiltarmer (she being the deponents daughter) was alsoe by meanes of the present Rebellion depriued & forceibly dispoyled of her & her said husbands Corne Cowes turf hay books specialties howsholdstuff horses & other goods worth CClxxxv li. ster: And further saith That the parties hereafter mencioned haue bin great actors & guilty of the present Rebellion in carrying armes partakeing with counselling assisting & helping one another and other Rebells therein and in the comitting and perpetrateing of divers outrages & cruelties vpon and against his Maiesties lojall subjects vizt and in the beseegeing of his Maiesties fort of Galway & of his maiesties subiects that held & kept the same vizt Tho: lord viscount Clanmorrice: Redmond & Tho: Bourk <A> the sonns of Edmund Bourke Mc an Erle Esquire Cozen germaine to the good Erle of Clanrickard: and Kataline wiffe of the said Edmund (she being a Common robber of & spojler of the protestants both by the high way and elswhere, Thomas Bourk mc Riccard of <B> Anbally Esquire Rickard mc Shane Burke of Dermot mc Loughlin Esquire John Mc Vllick Bourk Esquire Morroghoe Doe of Aghneneure Esquire Morroghoe Mart of the Arkonnos Esquire, Teige oge ô fflaherty of the same Esquire William ô Shaghnessy of in the territory of Clanrickard. Esquire Morrice Linch fitz Henry brother of Sir Robert Linch knight Sir valentyne Blake Knight of Knockmoy all of the County of Galway and all of them Captains and <C> Comanders of Rebells: Sir Dominick Browne Knight Sir Robert Linch Knight Sir Tho: Blake Knighte, whoe was slaine as he was giveing fyre to a peece of ordinance against the Kings pinnace: which peece being ouercharged burst & soe killd him and divers others: ffrancis Blake brother to the said Tho: & sonn to Sir Valentine Blake <D> Knighte Patrick Darcy Esquire a lawyere Richard Martin Esquire a lawyere Geffrey Browne a lawyere eldest sonn to Sir Dominick Browne Knighte Patrick oge Kervan eldest sonn to Andrew Kervan Esquire Oliver ffrench Merchant Martin Galdre Linch Merchant all of the
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<A> towne of Galway aforesaid John ô Maddin of Clare in the said County of Galway Esquire Cogh ô Maddin his sonn and arch vallanous Robber and a Rebell: Captain Laghlin ô Kelly of Mullagh in the same County Esquire a Comander of Rebells: & many others that he cannot name
<Dr J: Mr B:>
Joseph Hampton
Jur viijo Ja n m arcij 1643
Hen: Jones
Hen: Brereton.
fol. 139v
Mr Joseph Hampton
Jur viijo Januarij Marcij 1643